After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1493 is not called Fengqing City

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! At this moment, Mo Yanxin in the basement, I don't know what happened above, and the underground secret room is only known to a few important people. Let alone her room peripheral, without her allows. Just step into.

One of the basement, Mo Yanxin has some small excitement looks at the door of the head, and the face is a clear look of the expectation.

Sitting next to a woman, the tea cup was light, and then he started to say: "Yong Xin, you said before, you encountered a woman who got the same talent in Lingzong? What is going on?"

Mo Yan Xin looked back at the people next to him, and his face was obviously unhappy.

Murongfei Xuebow is slightly smashed, "Ling Zong Yunyang live-arter? That waste material?"

"Wow! How do you stay in waste? People are not wasteful! The disciples in the sects in the past few days I went to see, she is not a waste material or a genius!" Mo Yan Xin said to his teeth, thinking that there was nothing to lose in Luo Yunfeng at the time.

Murong Fei Xue can't help but hold, "I still don't know!"

"In fact, you don't know that it is normal, the game has ended a few days, you are also sent to do things, how does it have time to manage these news."

Mo Yan Xin said, suddenly remembered a thing, his face revealed a cold color, "Damn, I don't know who I found out, I actually sent people to follow me, but fortunately there is Wu Shu, I will catch the person in time, but but It is a dead duck, the mouth is very hard, and I can't ask something! "

Murongfei's concern is the close-up disciple of the Lingzong old ancestors. Suddenly, the brain flashed a person name, and immediately asked: "Have you seen the woman? Is it called Fengli City? Long is Not ... is it ... "

She never wants to admit that the woman is still more than one star than her own ...

Mo Yanxin looked at how to swallow the vomiting behind, and "What kind of phoenix? She is called for the month, I don't know what it is like, but I dare, I must be a ugly eight blame. If not, how can I get to be late? Wearing a mask? If it is a good-looking woman, who doesn't want his own face. "

Murongfei Don suddenly, immediately asked: "What are you talking about? Isn't a phoenix city?"

Mo Yanxin smiled: "Well, it is the truth! Snow sister, how many women do you can grow like you are like you?"

"Just! The appearance of the teacher is the first world, absolutely the most beautiful woman in the world." Luo Heng real time on the side, immediately praise.

"Well? You listen, Luo Yantong said so." Mo Yanxin looked at her brightly.

Murongfei smiled and laughed, "Just talk about your mouth, how? Recently, you can listen to your Master, you are going to be a new lady, your sister is congratulations in advance."

When I said this, Mo Yanxin's mouth is blessing, and suddenly there are some things. "Flying Snow Sister is alive, my dragon brother doesn't know where ... I have never been tracked."

Murong Fei Xuezhao is all-color, can't help but accident: "Longfei night missing?"

"Well, I haven't had news for a few months. I don't know where to go. The people of the dragon are looking for him. I have no news. I haven't seen people in the Dragon Home for a few months." Mo Yanxin thought I want to be a little annoying.

Murongfishi thought about the news before, and suddenly there was a bit casualty: "Yan Xin sister, but according to my sister, some people are in the mainland, see Dragonfly Night ..."


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