After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1699 is Miss Mo Jia Miss! 3

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Mo Yi is also tall, even if it is not from the autonomous turning to look at Mo Yanxin, many people who have never have had had, and now they will actually have a strange girl, or grabbing their granddaughter's fiance. .

Mo Yan Xin is really scared, panic, angry pointing at Meng Yue : "What do you mean by you? If you contain sandy shadows, what does it mean to say me? My life experience is all west. The mainland knows, you don't want to use this! "

Mo Shi is doubtful to see Meng Yue, and then look at Mo Yanxin, and finally can't help but eyebrow: "What is it just now?"

Meng Yue smiled, "Interested? I just want to say something, my life experience is really incredible, after all, I have never believed that I have recovered my memory a few days ago, maybe I will never Know, it turns out ... I have a family? I am not an orphan? "

Meng Yueli has a bitterness: "But how do you have a family? They know that I am still alive? Are they believe that I am their daughter? I can prove that my identity is taken by the counterfeit goods ... ... I can use what prove me ... Mo Jia Miss! "

Mo Yan is most fear, the most worried thing, finally still came, the brain bombarded ...

The Mo family present, the dragon family is almost scared, all is a horror expression.

Li Yu's heart suddenly became wrong, it can be seen from her look, it is incredible.

"You ... what are you talking about? Are you Miss Mo? How is it?"

I immediately see Mo Yanxin, her daughter is there!

After the Town of Mo Yan, I immediately screamed, even roaring: "You said! You are still enough? Do you want to grab my family? Say! Who is sending you? Do you have any purpose! ! Mother! Grandpa! This woman must have a figure to Mojia! You can't believe her! "

"Hey ... Xin Jinger is not easy to find a family, now someone tries to take the opportunity to take the opportunity, you can't believe it! Hey ..."

Mo said soft to Mo Yanxin: "Xin Dather, don't cry, don't cry, we will not believe, you, you can rest assured! We are so easy to believe her?"

Mojing Mountain was also surprised, recovered rational, suddenly serious: "Who are you? Running to pretending to my daughter, what do you want to do?"

Mo Yi resumes the gods, looks to Mo Yanxin, slowly said: "Shantou, you said that you are Mo Jia's big sister? You know, there may be people who can be cheated in the world, but the birthmark can't lie?"

Speaking of birthmarks, Mo Yan Xinton smiled, fight with me? Even if you are true? You have already gone eligible!

Meng Yue looked at the eyes of Mo Yan Xin, recovered from the line of sight, and Mo Yi, smiled: "Summit? Do you don't know, the birthmark can also make a fake? Haha! You experience, being lived from the body Do you want to go to a piece of meat? You don't know ... I know, because I have experienced! Hahaha! "

Meng Yue's eyes were once again lost crystal tears, and the bitterness in his heart was constantly turning.

"Pain ... The kind of pain will let you hurt to die! Only four years old, the little girl, even the anesthetic is not used, then they are tied to a knife! Do you know? At that time, the little girl There are more fear, more desperate! Do you know? You don't know ... "


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