Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The Mo family present, and the Dragon's family looks to the city, knowing that she must have a reason.

Tofold: "You may not know, a few days ago, the Dragon Dynasty, the Dragon, and the Dragon Head took Mo Yanxin to the Lingzong League, and then with Mo Chang's old, with two belongings, intent , then ............ "

After a while, the city will be surprised after the day of the day, and everyone is also surprised.

Dragon Outer is unexpected, "I don't know this."

Mo Yanxin suddenly decorated, said: "No, I don't have her say, I was just right, I wanted to see it, I am fine, but I didn't say that. ! And this is what you doubtful? "

"Are you still not intentional? You are clear that you want to die!" Longfei night directly.

Mo Yanxin is sad to see the Dragon Flying Night, "Long Ge, I really don't, you have to believe me, then I will listen to them ... I was also cheated, I said to them, That Dan medicine is not mine, I also give it to people. "

"Domestic mouth! Do you think I will believe in you? I am also present that day!" Longfei glaught.

Mo Yanchen can't help but look at him, "You ... are you present? How can I ..."

Longfei night evil, there is a mask in his hands, "I was a brother of Ling Zongzong," I was unhappy. "

Mo Yan is staying, this is not at the time in Lingzong, is she looks like that person? I also help her that the man who is talking to the month ...

"What? Why didn't you recognize me at the time? I still hurt me away from the month."

Longfei night laughed, "I recognize you? I am going to get the main reason is to hide you, I will hide if I just hide? Anyway, I will not kill you, what is I worried?"

Mo Yanxin was once again hit, suddenly a heartache, deeply injured.

Mo Yi asked again: "Lilion on the moon, what you just mean, she is looking for Luo Yunfeng? And what is the mortality of Mallo, is it like a witch?"

The city nodded, "Well, and the people around her is very problematic, I don't know, how is Lu Zhi and Lu Yi come to Mo Family?"

Li Yixin said: "This is that year, she took her on the street, just looked at the brothers and begging, she said, these two people are very poor, I want to pay them, I will bring them back. Mo family, gave her a hand. "

The city listened, picking a trace on the brow, laughing in Mo Yanxin: "I don't believe, what kind of sympathy you will have, so these two are also your own people to use people? They are for you? So faithful, help you do your way, a lot? "

Mo Yanxin's expression is hysterested, "no, they just have faithful to me, I will only encounter!"

The completion of the city: "I sent it under your hand, can you be arrested by you, and what people arrange the people behind you?"

Mo Yanxin once again surprised, surprised to watch the city, it seems to say: Yes!

The city is smile, there is a white stone in the hand, said: "Do you know what this is?"

Dragon Tian arrogantly saw the accident, "stay the shadow?"

Mo Yanxin heard three words, suddenly worried, busy: "You ... what do you want?"


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