After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1724, you don't have face

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Yu Chengguang did not feel embarrassed, and she said: "Several seems to be unsuitable, so it is not convenient to reveal."

Mo Yi looked to Yun Wei, and later, Long Tian said with him to say that this is another apprentice of Ling Zong's grandparents, which is also a peerless genius, dust-free.

Their identity, since people are reluctant to say, he is not a lot of mouth.

Then I laughed: "Sit, let's sit!"

Longfei night did not respond. At this moment, I was frowning to look at Yu Chenguang, staring at his face, and suddenly said: "I think it is, it is you!"

People in the hall look at him, I don't know what happened.

"You don't want your face! The year is you pushing me into the water! Harming me in the winter is flooded with frozen!" Longfei night angry.

Yu Chengguang seems to be like, and it looks at him: "Where does I don't know how to say this?"

Yun Hao's mouth came with a smile, and the monthly ink glamorous and looked at Longfei night, so it was obviously a bit of gloating.

The same is true, they didn't expect Longfei night, and when they were bullied?

Mojing Mountain is busy saying: "Flying Night, will it be misunderstood? It is very well-behaved in a brightness."

"Is it intentional, I will not know? In the winter, in the winter of Mo Fang Mountain, I was waiting for Xin Jinger to find me, but he didn't know where to come out, did not say two words I pushed me later. Later, I said it was what he did, you biased it. "Longfei Night complained in Mojing Mountain.

Yu Chenggang quickly said: "It's really sorry, so early, Cheng Guang really forgot, maybe I just suddenly rise, I have a joke with you, I don't think about it, I still remember now, haha! It's rare, it is rare to have such a good memory. "

Longfei night is sinking, this damn guy is changing and saying that he is a small gas.

"You are less, big winter, Laozi did not start cultivation, even the spiritual body will not put me deep water bont, let alone, then I will not swim, you are clearly intentional! If there is anyone who has passed, there is no Laozi now! "Longfei night directly accused.

Take the city to see Yu Chengguang's scorpion, a few points, this person is more than the night, and if Long Fei is said, this Yu Chengguang seems to be a deep people, I am afraid that it is not a greedy, also Not anxious, but really thinking about him?

Meng Yue also suddenly didn't like it, and the face looked at Yu Chengguang.

Yu Chengguang's expression helpless, I am sorry again: "Although I have forgotten, I still have to apologize for the actions of the year."

Mo Yi is also a bit embarrassed with Mojing Mountain, Mo Yi is busy: "Flying Night, how long this is the past, you are still small, Cheng Guang said that it is just to make a joke with you, maybe he I don't know if you won't swim, this matter will be! "

"For the right, even if it is over, it has been in the past, and there is also an apology. You don't care." Mo Jingshan immediately said, while talking, the eyes of the Dragon flying night.

Long Tian said to look forward to Yumuang, and the darkness was crossed. Turning the Dragon Flying Night: "Night, since your grandfather said so, even if it is."

The city immediately said: "Flying Night, since the elders are all elapsed, you will not remember the 'small person', forget it?"


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