After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1750 enters the tomb (plus 2)

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Yun Yun's refusal is normal in Qianzhan. After all, they will only meet for the first time, and it will inevitably be somewhat sparse.

Thousands of horses directly pulled Yun Hao hands, Tower to his hand, awarded: "If you are expensive, my grandchildren is important? Have a good time, if it is an emergency situation, it is a life-saving."

Worried that Yun Yi refused again, and then said again: "Your mother is not there, the grandfather does not want you to lose anything, your grandmother can't afford to fight again."

I want to open the clouds again, and I will swallow the mouth, I turn it down, "Okay, I accept it."

The mouth of the thousand is slightly outline, and there is a happy elder.

Yunhuang is also happy, "It's good, just right, otherwise, it seems to be too seen with you."

Thousands of horses are restored to the cold face, "the tomb door opened?"

Shot by the cold, Yun Hao can't help but pass it down, immediately said: "Open. Good father, please come."

"How much is it told you, I am not your father-in-law! I don't want to call!" Qian Hao is not polite directly.

Yunhuang didn't mind, "Yue Wales, the father-in-law can not recognize Xiaoshu, but Xiaozi must respect the father-in-law."

The city couldn't help but show a laughter again. She found this cloud emperor, don't face it, it is really like someone, it is no wonder that there is a father and son.

The white eyes directly disliked, too lazy to talk to him, not bothered: "Why do you want to go?"

"Yes, yes, the father-in-law adults are." Yunhuang was very polite, turned around to walk toward the tomb of the body.

Thousands of horses tightly, Yun Wei took the city and followed it, and finally entered.

Behind the tombstone is the entrance of the tomb. After entering, the reality will take a few meters and then a underground ladder. On the way, the clouds on both sides are bright, and even the big stone is built.

The city also noted that this is actually air circulation, can't help but say: "Does the father, do this tomb?"

Yunhuang immediately replied: "Yes, so living people can come in."

A group of people walked for a while and went to the bottom. At the bottom is a spacious stone room, the city is thought to see a lobby, but there is no, there is only a good shelf, and all kinds of ornaments are placed. There are also some books, one corner of the hall, and there is a stone table chair, and even a couple of luxury luxury furniture.

As if this is not a tomb, but a living life bedroom, seeing such a furnish, I want to come, the deep heart of Yunhuang is unwilling to accept the trilutic death, and in this way, let her Still alive ...

Yun Yun is also the first time I entered here. After reading it here, I will look at the cloud emperor, and I have a complex color in the eye.

Some of the thousands of people did not expect that it was not so cold.

They came to this stone door, and Yunhuang looked at Shimen, and the heavy sigh. "This is the place where Ziya is sleeping. I chose the ice, so the tomb is fully enclosed, the tomb of the millennium ice. "

To say this, Yunhuang can't help but swallow, but it is also very calm.


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