After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1785, what do you know?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Zhang Yi said that he will give her a hopple of the arm to handle the wound of the arm.

Murongfei also came out with those things, turned over.

"Snow? Zhang Yilong, Xueer is nothing?" Mu Rongshi quickly helped her.

Zhang Yili: "Nothing, Miss Miss needs to take a break, then give her a tuned medicinal medicine."

Mu Rongshui is still a balance, even if you thank you, "Thank you, this time you lost you, fortunately, in time, the snow is so inexplicable."

Zhang Yi immediately said: "The Major General Memorial, you are responsible for the mountains, you can save the lady, and you should do it."

"However, the less general, for the safety of Miss, it is recommended that the megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload."

Mu Rongshi nodded, "Well, I know, I don't know if I have a relationship with the national teacher."

Zhang Yili did not help me, said: "Some words, I don't know if it is unaware."


Zhang Yimei immediately said: "This kind of breeding is rapid, from the pumping of the lady, only half an hour, or by taking the eggs."

This will let Mu Rongxin caught in meditation, and suddenly began to recall. If it is speculated in this time, it is not before he enters the hall, then what is her tea?

I think of this, Mu Rongxian suddenly surprised, "Shu? Why do he kill the snow? What did you know?"

Suddenly see the coma Murongfei snow, I also feel that she knows what she knows, otherwise the national teacher will not have her.

Zhang Yizhen is lifted, busy: "Major will, say this, but also to send the big lady away as soon as possible, and can not cause the doubt in the country."

"Well, go back for a while, I will arrange. This matter does not let others know." Mu Rong said immediately.

"Yes, the less general is assured." Zhang Yi said, and then retired and retired.

Looking at the coma Murongfei Xue, Mu Rongxiao suddenly sighed, "Snow, what do you know?"


East Palace

Yun Yu is frightened and frightened, but the other party is a smile that is completely unaffected.

"The Brother of the Prince, the emperor, but she is standing back, I am worried that you are not willing to see the emperor. What is said today, the emperor will not go."

The clouds smiled sincerely and looked at Yun Yu.

The completion of the city is cold, and the lips under the veil are freely ironic.

And her side stood in Liu Xiu, a timidity of timidity, bowing down, did not dare to see each other.

"How? The third emperor is in a hurry to send 'heads to the emperor?" Yun Yuyu said with a cold voice, plus the cold eyes, let the clouds slender.

When it is pressed that the fear is pressed, the scalp is again laughed again: "The emperor, you are still blame the emperor's unreasonable thing? You see you, how can you still revenge now?"

"The emperor is there, but you have to think about it! If there is no royal brother, you are now afraid that the sin is still suffering from the cold? And, you are not a disaster, but refine Increased a lot? This ... Calculate, the emperor has ... "

The completion of the city, when the color is turned off, the phone will be accepted, cold and cold: "What do you think, this is done? And there is credit?"

In the clouds, I look at the allure, some are just right, but I am not welcome, "this is a very obvious thing."


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