Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! As soon as they were two, Qianzhao immediately waved, "Johi, come over, the grandfather has been stupid by you."

The city will know that the mouth has a smile: "Older, how do you have to give your father a little face? He is also a good idea, want you to be happy!"

Yun Yun nodded, "said that the child is saying, the father of the father, please accept the public can accept it."

"Father, the adult, you see that they all see that Xiao- is sincere." The smile on the Yunhuang face is more obvious.

The thousands of soul glanced at him, but it still didn't change much, but no longer showed a dislike.

The city is nodd from the two long and nodded, "I'm old, I can still in the palace these days?"

When the second elders suddenly laughed: "Not bad, the old man will last for a long time."

Immediately ask the city, "I go to Mo Cheng, how is the situation? Is Yue?"

The city nodded, "Ok, everything goes well, the counterfeit goods have been solved, and the small art has also returned to Mo Jia. The second elders can go to Mo to see her?"

The second elders heard the news, and the heart suddenly followed by happy, "can't, since Yue Er has already reunited, then I am relieved. I am going to wait for you to come back, I will come out. It is also some time. "

"Do you live a few days?" Yunhuang immediately retained him.

"No. There are still many disciples waiting for the old man to go back. Next time I have the opportunity, and I will go to the door." Two elders smiled.

In this case, Yunhuang will no longer stay, smile: "Well, Yunlong Guo Palace is welcome to welcome two elders."

"Two elders, then you will go with us! We just want to go to Lingxian Town." The city said.

"I am also walking." Thousands of people said, they got up directly, he didn't want someone to stay here, and I didn't want to be bored by Yunhuang.

When Yunhuang heard him, he had to go, immediately painted, "Yue Father, how can you go? This ... Xiaoxuan has not ..."

"No, I have no time to listen to you, I am bothering." Thousands of horses said.

Yunhuang suddenly was depressed, is he very embarrassed?

"The father-in-law, you must be misunderstood, Xiaoxue just wants to pay for you before Ya Ler, I want to honor you."

Thousands of horses looked at him: "Free, I haven't admitted your son-in-law, and then, my daughter will honor me, she will come, do not need you, you still have a province!"

Yunhuang was depressed again, and his eyes should look at thousands of hi, but people don't eat this. If this trick is used in Yun Yu, maybe it will be used.

Looking at the old man, Yun Wei actually laughed at the side, and Yunhuang glanced, "Dead kid, dare to joke your old man? Be careful ..."

"Be careful? Do you still want to play him?" Qianzhao immediately turned his head, the cold look of the clouds, it feels cool.

Yunhuang quickly waved, "No, Xiao Yan is joking, I used to joke with him before. The father-in-law gorganized, misunderstood."

"If you dare to move him, Laozi will first destroy you this Yunlong country." The sorrowful eyes of the millet swept the emperor, turning the head, the head of Yun Wei and kindly: "He will threaten you, you will Tell the grandfather, the grandfather packed him. "


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