After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1795, the family of the family, Fengqing City

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! After the public is coming, it is a stunned. After receiving two kinds, he immediately said: "The emperor, this can be made, this is the prince, how can you collect you? You have to leave it, you have to stay, and so rare Advanced Care, old slaves can't receive it. "

"Wonderful, these two you will accept it, reward you, you will accept it. Otherwise, you will not be happy." The cloud is very good, watching a few jars on the desktop.

There are four altars. Yunhuang looked at it, and then he also waited. "There is a four-altitude wine, you have a mortal altar."

Even the father-in-law listened to the emperor, and no longer resigned, and quickly said: "Xie Hua is rewarded."

If you are picking well, you will receive a ring with a wine.

Yunhuang gave the remaining Santan wine, and immediately went out, "Let people get it under, and let's go back to the palace to rest, if someone sees, I said that I am very busy, no time."

Lian Gong's public horse also said: "Yes, Gong Gong."

Back to the palace, still did not hold back the self-wine wine that I want to taste the city is awkward.

So, I can't wait to open an altar, this open, suddenly surprised, "Is this wine? Isn't a Joan jade liquid?"

"Suck ... The aura is so rich, good wine! No, this smell is to run out, but you can't."

Yunhuang immediately raised his hand as well as the door of the sleeping hall, and the two sides had a good time, close.

The guards on each other station at the door will then look at it, and some is inexplicably.

Yun Huang can't wait to have a small glass of wine, I'm got up, my eyes are bright, "Good wine! Good wine! It is too good to drink! Joan jade liquid follows, it is simply water."

After a cup is finished, it is even more surprise: "This drinks, this can also add aura? Can you help practice?"

For this reason, I fell a cup, I originally wanted to slow product, but I couldn't help but did it.

I am aware that there is a travelery in the body to flow into Dantian, and I am big, "I really can help cultivate! This is a spiritual solution!"

The face that was laughed, suddenly squatted down, smashing, "The morning knows is such a good thing, I will give up the security ..."

If you listen to him, I don't know what I want to do ...

Yantan Palace

Murong Hua is lifted, waving, "Let's go!"

"Yes!" Guard returned.

"Niang Niang, what do you do now?" Xin Wei asked whispered.

Muronghua slowly said: "At this palace, there is also a long time to see Li Hao?"

Xin Wei quickly replied: "When I saw Limin last time, it was a year ago."

Muronghua hooked the smile: "Help this palace to give Li Wei, that is, the Palace has not seen her for a long time, and the emperor will not have to go to the emperor for the emperor."

I don't understand, "Mother, why do you want to invite a piece? Isn't this a chance to grab the limelight?"

"Wonderful, let people pass the letter!" Murong voice said with a little, not in the heart.

Xinyi is not more to say anything, busy: "Yes! Old slaves will make people go."

Muronghua looked outside the eyes, raised his hand to the gate to sway a knot, sit up: "Go out."

A black shadow appeared, worshiping her, "is the master."

Muronghua looked at him, "Can you have a message?"

The black shadow nodded immediately.


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