After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1800 is in the next name

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Feng Yiran suddenly said: "It turns out that you are the first disciple of Xianzong, and I didn't expect it to meet this."

Forgot to worry about the voice: "It is quite."

Feng Yi Ren immediately introduced himself, "I called the phoenix email, it is the pro-disciple of Ling Zong's four elders."

"It is also the disciples of Lingzong, should be Wuc." You should take the next head.

Forgotten the mouth of the mouth, if there is a smile, look to Feng Yiran, the tone is in the light: "Feng Yiran?"

Feng Yi nodded, "Yes."

I feel that the other party's eyes are somewhat strange. Feng Yiyang asked: "Is there any problem?"

Forgot to know the lips: "Feng this surname ... It seems that the West Continent did not heard which family is surnamed Feng?"

Feng Yiran listened, suddenly somewhat emotions: "Yeah, I really is not Western Dorm ... but the East Continent, I first adopted my parents said that they were encountered in the East Continent, at the time I was seriously injured. After waking up, I just remember that myself called Feng Yi, everyone forgot. "

Forgetting worried, I can't help but pick your eyebrows. "Who did you know what you have a parent?"

This tone is quite casual, and Feng Yi is not feeling anything.

Yao Yanjing was a bit surprised: "I didn't expect, how did you have such a poor life? However, you are still lucky, at least if you have parents, and you have entered the spirit of Lingzong, or the elderly disciples!"

Feng Yi Ren smiled, "Yao girl laughed, in fact, I really want to reunite with my loved ones, I have found it, in fact, there is also a clue, just the original owner, tell me that I said it wrong. "

"I have recently understood that it is not that I have made wrong. The original manager is to hurt our people. I was separated from my family."

Forgotten a sarm in the face, I didn't move in the face: "That is to say, do you find your family?"

Should be surprised by Wu Ming: "Fengshi, do you really have your family's news?"

Feng Yiran smiled nodded, "Well, I have recently received the news from parents, and I still have a sister."

"Then I will congratulate you first." It should be a smile.

Forgot to look at Feng Yi, it is endless irony.

"Since Feng Gongzi already has a family's news, why not looking for?"

Feng Yiran is a pair, and the appearance of the gods, "Listen to my parents said, in addition to my sister, my loved ones have not been in the world, my sister will leave the place, and I don't know what it is."

Yao Yujing is said to: "Then you can let people go find your sister! Is there a little clue?"

"Yes! Perhaps, you can go back to Zongmen to make the four elders to help." Should Weimang immediately proposal, "It is better to go to the East China? It is a experience, and you will find your sister."

Feng Yiran heard this proposal, he couldn't help but refused to say: "No, this is not anxious, wait for the end of the trial, go!"

Sun Jiajia came over and saw several of them chatted on the front of the front, and wanted to say: "Master, silence, are you chatting with Feng Bang?"

Forgot to say: "Well." Turned again: "Then I will wish the phoenix son in advance to find my 'sister'. I hope that you will" brothers and sisters to reunite "." If you have a deep look Eye Phoenix Yi, from the side, directly under the building.


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