After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1813, you are not the royal bone

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Those people look at Li Rira, a lot of people nod, "no, no, the princess is polite."

"Silk, you are princess, don't pay for these civilians? Is this not a self-sufficient identity? Okay, let's go! Go back to the government!" Yin Xiaoyue pulled her and stopped on the other side. The position walked.

Li Si Lu smiled: "Xiaoyue, can not say this, although the people are the people, but if we do something wrong, natural should also be admitted to apologize."

"Oh! You are really, it is a hard to say that you are good, hey, I have just been anxious because of the temper, who makes the cousin he ignored me."

Yin Xiaoyue said that she was angry. She has waited for several months. It is not easy to see him. But when I arrived in Cayuan Tower, I didn't know that people didn't know in it. She cached, people directly Come out, even the opportunity to talk is not to her, which makes her very depressed.

Li Lila launched her first went to the World of Warcraft, and then some did not praise: "You! Still too anxious, say let you listen to me, I haven't spoke, you can't help but you, you I know that he is the attitude towards you, you are so, naturally, he will avoid you, and even the opportunity to talk is also given. "

Yin Xiaoyue is not very good, but it is still a bit wronged. "This time, he also wants him to help, let me show the royal family. If I can get more faith, my cultivation can break through the promotion, On time, I will be defeated! "

Said that the name of the month, Yin Xiaoyue face is another change, angry: "Just like you said, I want to prove to Yunyang real people, he received the apprentice!"

Li Si Lu Lu has a slight expression. It is a different color in the eye. Suddenly restore nature, there is some uncertainty in the tone: "You ... is thinking, as a representative of the royal worship ceremony? You find a brother ... not because I want to tell him ... "

"Of course! Say those who I can't say? I am in a hurry, I want him to help me! I also have the royal blood, the talent is much better than the three emperors, you are not royal. Bone bone, so of course I am most suitable. "

Yin Xiaoyue said confident, but she did not pay attention to it at all, the people around him were the last sentence, the heart of the courage, has been dark and dark.

"Silent, why don't you talk?" Yin Xiaoyue said to the head to see next to it, Li Sirui smiled.

"No, there is nothing. I just thought, how to persuade my brother, let you come, after all, really discouraged, you are just the status of the county, the aunt is the princess, and the words are straightforward, you will flow Some of the royal blood, but you are still surnamed Yin, not surnamed Li ... "When Li Si is a small heart, when it is said, it also pays attention to observing each other's expression.

Yin Xiaoyue is a smile, waving, and does not matter: "This is good, the emperor is agreed, saying that as long as the dust comes to agree."

The Lishuo is stiff, and it is a bit less natural. "Yes ... Is it? The emperor is so saying?"

Yin Xiaoyue is very straightforward, "Yes! It is not before you haven't come back, I have asked. Her old people have promised, or how can I wait for you to come back from Zongmen, pull you directly A piece of finding a dark brother. "


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