Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The city is thinking that Lu Ziyue is missing, but it is necessary to open, but the next moment and Bai Yun is in the waist. The two are close. This makes the city unsatisfactory, and it is slightly.

"Leather, the night is deep, we should rest ..." Yun said.

The mobility of the kids is slightly tapes, "Not ... should I think about Lu Ziyue missing?"

Yun Hao Liang said: "That is waiting to take a rest first, then think again." The midst of the pace and picked up the city and went toward the East Hospital.

For each sudden move every time, the city is also common.

The East Hospital is a big garden, and there is a garden and a rockery, and it is still a bit far away. And the South Hospital is adjacent to the End Hospital, which is the reason why Yun Yi does not want Li Lili to live in the South Hospital.

The night is deep, there is a beautiful emperor in the Huangcheng in the Gay Gay, a woman in a gorgeous costume, the thick black eyebrows, the narrow eyes, the jaw, the chin, the chin is slightly pointed, A pair of psychic phases.

Qin Yuling flashed in the cold, looked at a face, and he looked at several black men in the knee, slowly asked: "Didn't find someone?"

Touring with cool, let the following few hands, the forehead can not help but leave the cold sweat, and bow is not dare.

Head people immediately: "Yes, it will be the crime, the death of the dead, let people run."

Qin Yulhen looked at the eyes of each of them more cold, "I have been found in the whole Gayuan Tower?"

"Go back, yes, the whole of the Cartaya, and all the people in the city are searched, but they have not found traces." Leader replied.

After a while, Qin Yun did not speak, and the next few hands did not dare to surprise, but all the gods were tight, and they showed fear of fear.

"People have appeared, but I lost it to this wife? You said ... What is the lady who wants you?" Qin Yuling silently.

The leader is busy: "The lady is angry, it is a matter of loss of retaining, and it is not expected to be so embarrassed. Please ask the lady to give a chance to others, will be a big allegation."

Qin Yulian's mouth hooked a sneer, couldn't help but ridicule: "Do you talk to me? It is a group of waste, what qualifications say? That Palace is good, not only caught, not only people did not catch, Stunning a snake. "

"Oh ... come, in addition to Wang Lin, the other fews are sent to Xiao Lao, say this is a little bit of this wife to send him."

Such a sentence, a group of men who wrote in the ground, but a group of men who were squatting on the ground, horror, there was a knee, "Forgive! Lady, Mrs. Rao!"

"Lady, you will let it go!"

It flashed a group of people from all over the hall, and it was stronger than these people. Put them all, then forcibly dragging out.

Finally, only the leader is the person named Wang Lin, and it is said that although calm, but his forehead, has been soaked, it has been wetted by cold sweat.

"Believe in Mrs. Thank you."

"Don't think that you let go, you are fine, this time is a lesson, this lady gives you five days, you must catch the monks before the emperor, I will kill the lady! "Qin Yuwen is full of stunned eyes, letting the book is thin, more ugly.

Wang Lin immediately said: "Yes! Madam, it will complete the task!"


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