After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1836, do you want to ask?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "She is named, naturally there is a relationship with Mo family. And ..." The old doctor looked at the figures of the red art, smiled and did not continue.

Match the slow step, walk the side: "Let's go! Go back to the city, this is the dragon's family with Mojia, you still listen to it."

The guards are no longer speaking, immediately keep up.

However, some eating melon people are still very curious, many people have begun to endure it.

But what do people say, Longfei Night will naturally do not depends, and even it is to spread this information.

Back to Mojia, I saw the city owner of Mo City, cold tin. Middle-aged appearance, the appearance is generally normal, the skin is slightly dark, more personality is the beard on the face, accounting for the area of ​​half face.

Waiting for them to enter the hall, Mo Yi's father is two, and then I will show it to Longfei night, and my face is somewhat stink.

Two people greeted first: "Grandpa (Grandpa), ()."

Longfei Night is also greeted by cold tin, and the tone is slightly free. "" Cold City owner, I haven't seen it for a long time. "

Cold Tin smiled, quickly replied: "I didn't expect Long Shao Lord." I didn't see it for a long time. "I didn't see the red art next to it, I heard her name for Mo Fang, I couldn't help Curious: "I don't know if this girl is?"

When you look red art, Mo Yi has become a peaceful grandfather, "giving the city owner, this is the granddaughter of the granddaughter, Mohongyi."

"Granddaughter?" Cold Tin couldn't help but show, "Your granddaughter is not ..."

"Oh, this is this, this is a daughter who has just recognized." Mojing Mountain immediately explained.

Cold Tin took a nodded, "It turned out, yes, your daughter is very similar to Mo Mrs, who is the year."

Red art facing the cold wine, "Hongyi has seen the city owner."

"No more gifts." Cold tin neither responded.

At this time, Mo Yi board looked at Longfei night, "Flying Night, where do you have a little art in the morning?"

Longfei Night is laughing: "Grand Public, Have you said? How is Suner? Just want to take a small art to taste the famous dining in Mo City. Just ..."

Suddenly, the tone is also quite heavy. "Unfortunately, the boss of the store is dead last night."

"This ... how to die?" Mo Yi asked.

The cold tin is slightly decorated, and what I thought, "" Same for the other days last night? "

"Well, when we arrived, the doctor's physician's physician has arrived. After viewing, the other party died in the heart."

Cold Tin asked directly: "Dantian is empty?"

"Yes." Longfei night.

"Flying night, how can you take a small art to see the dead? Do you want to ask?" Mo Yi smashed him with his face.

"That is! Next time you don't have to bring your dedication!" Mojing Mountain also opened immediately.

The red art is helpless: "Grandpa,, this is not blame night brother, I think I want to go out, then say, this murder is suddenly happening, no one wants this kind of thing?"

"Again, you can't let me get in the government ..."

"No, grandfather is concerned with you, there is nothing else. If you want to go out, you can." Mojing Mountain is somewhat nervous, I am afraid of red art.

Longfei is really happy, because the red art is here.

Cough, cough, serious face: "This, you, let's talk about it, others can talk back."


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