Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The month is not understood, but I don't understand some. If it is like the second time, just to latenola for the prince, and Zi Ruoqing is like a magic, directly to her sword, this is a bit wrong. .

After all, if it is as a clear, it is possible to directly expressed rejection, find other words, but why would you want to kill too?

Turning the head to the dust, "Have she told you at the time?"


The moon is all-color, and Li Chongzhen also said that Zi Ruo Qing said to her is that I don't remember what happened. If it is Zi Ruoqing, she may be being taken by people. Then be In the case of stimulation, a kill will be produced. At this time, it is unparalleled in Qiari.

It seems that I want to know the truth, I have to find another key person, Li Musou ...

At the same time as this is carried out here, Li Wushuang also rushed from Yin family, and even said it was a fire.

I saw my woman in the palace, Yin Xiaoyue is full of pleasing, and she is going back and forth outside the palace door of Taihe Temple.

Ask anxious look on the face, then ask: "Xiao Yue? How are you here? How did you go in? Is your emperor let you stand?"

Yin Xiaoyue commented on his mother, suddenly had an industry bone, his face was suddenly revealed: "Mother, how come you?"

Li Si Lu came to see people, and he went to the front of the trip: "Silk has seen unparalleled aunt."

After following the few ​​

Li did not have a pair of Li Si Lu Lu. It was a response. He watched his daughter a poor look. Li did not have some distressed to touch her head, "What? Who is bullying you? Let the mother say, mother Pro helke with him to go! "

Yin Xiaoyue glared at her mother, listening to her, mouth directly, some is sad: "Mother ..." Shi Jin brother, she changed ... "

As soon as I heard that Li Musou can't help but show it again: "What is going on? Is it your fall?" No, right? "

Yin Xiaoyue can't help but vomit, if she cafly bully her, it is a pity that even bullying is too lazy ...

So I took a crystal road. "Today, the dust is back to the palace, but ... he is ignorant, and also with strange women to enter the palace, now take her to see the emperor, ... ... . "

"The dust gifted brother does not let Yue ear, and it is said that if it is a monk, let me send me out of the palace immediately ... ... Mother, you said ..."

"What did you just say? Do you say that the dust is in the palace? Is it in the palace of your emperor?" Li's unparalleled eyes were very big, and the heartbeat of the heart was a hop. I didn't control it, so that people around them were shocked.

Yin Xiao Yue didn't expect that her mother's response would be so big, so some did not solve her, "Mother, what happened?"

Li Si Lu Roked over a doubt, and suddenly thought.

"Xiaoyue, now the mother is in a hurry to find your emperor, you are waiting now." Li no double is anxious. I will go directly toward the Queen's palace to rush.

This makes Yin Xiaoyue some unfair, some can't understand.

Looking at the back of the hurry, I can't help but strange, strange: "This is ... What happened?"


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