After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1875 Directly deal with her directly

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The limbs are bundled by the chain, and the opposite side is two masculine men.

One of them: "Although you are a big beauty, we are doing it to hear the meaning of the master. I can't live!"

When the other party just finished, when an iron chain in his hand told her.

... ...

"Ah !!" Lu Ziyue forehead instantly cold sweat.

The spirit of the body is running speed, but the past a few breathing, still did not respond, my heart can guess, my spirit is set.

I endured the pain that was smashed by the other party, I immediately angered: "Who are you? Why can't you come here?"

"Sorry, this problem is indispensable."

The opposite man laughed coldly, and said the finger chain again.


The forehead, the back is cold, and the corner is suddenly overflowed, and the face is exposed on the face. She knows ... a ribs above the abdomen break.

"Oh, see if you are uncomfortable, it seems to be hurt?" A man with a man is squat.

The one of the sentence is cold: "This is not a few more, we can't help, our master is said, wait for the punishment, then send you to the hook house. Mars, you will like it."

After the other party is finished, it is tapped with a chain.

Next to another man, you can not be idle.

Each time I can't fall in Lu Ziyue, the man will put the water around a wooden barrel, pour a scoop to Lu Ziyue.

This water is a chair, and Lu Ziyue instantly a machine, immediately clear, and the water is not clear water, but brine.

After the last fainting, the two seems to be tired, and they did not carry it again. It is a loss next to it and go out directly.

Lu Ziyue's body blood, the face is not unrecognizable, and it has no strength and coma.

This is a clear again, but it is just a while, she heard the footsteps close.

The face is stagnant and looks in the direction of the door.

There is a light source is approaching, and some people have shake, getting closer and closer.

"Less master, you slow down." It was the man who was tapped by Lu Ziyue talking.

"She is still dead?"

This voice is a woman, you know this tone, this woman is also a cold blood.

Lu Ziyue can't help but have anyone?

The man is actively reluctant: "Less master is rest assured, no death! The master can be aligned, you can't kill, you have to lose your clothes and then lose it to the hook house, let her wait for one hundred men to kill."

I heard the man said, and Lu Ziyue slammed anger, but she can't do this at the moment.

Several footsteps are getting closer, have come in, Lu Ziyue is busy with your eyes, pretending to be in a coma.

But my heart is quickly calm down. I am turning it in my mind. I must find a chance to escape. At this moment, I will be bound by the iron chain. I have no chance to escape.

If the other party wants her to go to the hook house, I only have to find a way to escape.

However, when the woman said, let her just rose the idea and be placed instantly.

The woman passed the light of the night pearl, and she saw the look of Lu Ziyue. They couldn't help but rude: "It is really useless, even this bitter is unable to do, even her dear mother is more than."

This sentence will let Lu Ziyue have a shock, and the other party knows her mother? Listening to the tale of this, or is it with her mother?

The woman said coldly, "" Directly handled her ... "


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