After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1906, ask yourself, do you match?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Li Ri Lu Lu Yu is clearly seen in the month, but also deliberately introducing everyone.

I was suddenly normally, I had some panic, I quickly hide my emotions, immediately said: "I, I don't."

"Is it? Then I will remind it that it is best not to have other ideas." The month is separated from the cold voice, passing to her ears.

Li Si Lu Lu did not talk, and he didn't look at anyone directly.

Lu Yan will hand over the purple stars next to Lu Zili, "Month, I will not let him hurt you." I have fallen, turning my face has changed a pair.

Look forward to the face of Li Chongzhen, if there is no temperature, the voice is quiet, "Do you say that the moon is your daughter? When you say this, have you think about it, do you have a face?"

Lu Yan said that while going to him, every step, Li Chongzhen could not help but feel huge.

"If you are not you, the Qing is still living well, and there will be a happy childhood. Everything is caused by the poison woman."

"At the beginning, the primary is mainly to know that you are an animal. I will not let the Qing Dynasty will leave it to the palace! When she sent me, let me take the moon, I still don't know, she has been underwriting It is already late to give death, wait until I have received the news. If she leaves her, I can't hurt you, do you think you can live today? "

Li Chongzhen was caught up by Lu Yan's momentum, could not help but want to retreat, " ... ..."

Suddenly, Li Chongzhen thought of, suddenly anger accused: "If you are not you, if you are clever, you will not want to die! It's all you! It is you harm her!"

Li Chongming has already disappointed this royal brother, and it has nothing to know if he will become now.

Those people who look at it are not very unloising. "Obviously the queen of the old witch first framed, the emperor who was maintained by the emperor killed the queen, this ... Now, it is true that Lu Zong is the main owner?"

"Just! I really didn't expect that our emperor would be such a person."

Lu Ziyue couldn't help but somewhat angry. "Obviously you killed the mother, how can you blame me? If you are willing to trust my mother, I will not let the monster have a chance to make it bad. I will cause all this is you!"

In the face of Lu Ziyue's anger, Li Chongzhen suddenly wrote: "It is your father! He is not, how can you talk to you so?"

Lu Yan looked at him coldly, slightly disdain: "My daughter, naturally talk to you this way, what do you want? What is your father? First, you have to ask yourself, do you match?"

When a line is closed, I will let Li Chongzhen want to refute but have nothing to say.

Looking at him, Lu Yan is just a cold, and said that if the owner is really what is true? Since I know that she is with you, I have never thought about bothering her life. I know once, I received an anonymous message, saying that the Qing's life is not good in the palace, will come to her. "

"At that time, she had already made the moon, but that day, the Qing was inexplicably uncomfortable. When the body suddenly planted, I was also hugging her to sit next to it. Ingenious, just have anyone to come with people. "


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