After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1915 This person leaves sooner or later is a trouble

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "This king hurts you mother, because she is the sister of this king, hurts you to be inclusive, because you are the king's outer girl, but if you are the same as your mother, it is not a human, lost royal. Face, then don't blame this king. "

Yin Xiaoyue is full of tears, and there is a feeling of being abandoned. He is uncomfortable, "Hey ..." said this ... "

"The emperor ..." Li Musou wronned him, but it was useless.

Li Chongming is really hard, today's things will be passed to the outside, and will also spread the West Mainland. By, they will definitely become the laughter of the whole continent. Can't help but have a name loss, even the people will lose a part, this is already the destree.

If you lose fairness, people feel that they are in protecting, so that this is more difficult to raise their heads in other countries, and lose prestige in front of the people.

Moreover, everyone is admiring the young temple, nor is the child of Gaya, and there is no scruple in other countries. If there is any action in secret, if the status of the three major powers of Gaya, whether it can hold, It is unknown ...

However, how can Yin Xiaoyue understand the things that Li Chongming considered? Naturally, it will not understand.

Even Li Xu didn't take into account so much, Li Ming is not thinking of it.

The surrounding people have agreed that many people nodded frequently, "Wang Ye said right."

"Wang Ye said."

Li Si's eyes turned, suddenly slightly blunt, secretly greeted the moon, and then pulled Yin Xiaoyue, and a serious look of reluctance: "Xiaoyue, the emperor may just happen too much today. The pressure is somewhat, so it will be speaking to you, and there is still outsiders here. "

I said: "Since the emperor is so saying, if it is stopped, you have to know, you have to know that this girl is not only the friend of Lu Ziyue, but also a friend of the Shandian, if it is because of this At the same time, Ji Yafuo has sinned the temple or Lu Ziyue. It can be very sad in the days of West Turndo. "

After saying, I am deeply sigh, I am helpless: "Now she wants to deal with unparalleled aunt, you have nothing to do? If you have a sin, let the Gayo in the future in the west, this kind, you It will be a sinner of Gaya. If you say, even if you don't mind, you should think that the innocent people are not? They did not do something wrong. "

This is true, the truth is true, but if you want to think, you can feel wrong, this spear head points to the moon?

Can Yin Yue, I have to think about other things. At this moment, I have a prejudice to the month, watching the month of the hand, the moon is separated, the mouth is tight, and the eyes are angry.

The righteousness of the mouth is bent in the mouth, but the coldness in the eye is deep and cold, of course, it is looking at Li Rira.

In the face of the eyes of the moon, Li Rishu n't avoid it, but also to provoke a smile, although this smile appears in her swollen face, will only be more ugly, but she is so confident. .

Yun Yuzhen also looked at Li Rira at the same time, and Yun Wei was cold and cold: "This person is a trouble sooner."


Bai Yong said: "It is a soul."

Black is uncomfortable: "Hell is torture."

The moon and green wood also said: "The whip corpse."

The phoenix dance finally said: "Made in the body."

... Li Radu felt that there was a lot of cool sight. When she fell on her body, even the neck was inexplicably smashed, and the lower consciousness took the shrinkage and pulled the garment.


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