After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1925 Who is summoning the trend?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Li no double and Yin Xiaoyue also suddenly looked like that, Li Chongming and Li Xu also accelerated the pace.

Some people once again: "This is the old days and can't go, want to make the old demon woman died without burial."

Li has no other, immediately climbed up, rushed over, dial the crowd, and suddenly didn't scare the past.

Exhibition, "Mother!"

Yin Xiaoyue saw the scene of the eyes was also horrified. "This ... how will this ..."

I saw that Ye Yu's morning had no head. At this moment, I was ablation of the speed of the naked eye, and slowly turned into a bloody water. Finally, even the clothes didn't let it, I was blown, and I also crossed it. ash……

Everyone looked at this strange scene, many people only said: "Real old days have eyes, this demon woman is doing evil, sin."

"Just, it is really dead now."

Yin Xiaoye is complicated, saying that it is impossible, but more helpless.

Li Wah is still crying, how to say it is his mother, and finally, this is still some sad.

Li Chongming didn't say anything more, "" Raising the Emperor first lifted the palace and funerally buried. "

Turned to see this cold palace, and then told again. "Here, it will be in the future, let's go!" Take it! "Take it, collect your eyes, go outside.

"Yes! Wang Ye." A guard commander immediately replied.

Li Xu looked at it and didn't immediately left the cold palace together with Li Chongming.

The guard commander once again, "Let's go! Nothing can be seen, all withdraw!"

Others are fastened to the next team, and the team is neatly left outside.

The disappearing white is actually not left, but stealth, looked at the Ye Xi, the Ye Yu, the mouth, and the mouth of the mouth bruises.

Others can't see it, the snack is lying down, there is a soul of the head, and a rolling man.

When it is impermanent, I still stand three faceless, my eyes, the soul of the soul, one is the previous Li Chongzhen, one is Li Rira, and one is the one who is the best that she started to die.

White uncommonly optimistic about the struggled part, the fingers are slightly moved, and the shake people slowly move back to the neck, and it seems to be connected from the new connection.

Ye Xi's soul moved, slowly got up and stood, seeing white impermanence, seemed to be a bit awkward.

White is not often evoked for a cold smile, said: "Hey, there is too much bad thing in his life, and it is difficult to turn back after death."

After the end, I made a solution movement, and I immediately had a big black hole, and the sound came: "Who calls the trendy?"

The white impermanence sound is cold and cold, "your family is white!"

There was a fearful voice when Black Cave, busy: "Bai Yin Dividers, small don't know if you, the little immediately appeared."

Hey, a finger long knife has an extraordinary in the black hole, and immediately talks without a constant ritual: "Small, the white Yin Division."

"Well, I am free." "White is uncommon.

Ghosts and I will start up and ask: "Small don't know whites will be in the people, how do you summon the so-called things?"

White does not often refers to several ghosts next to it. "They four, according to the top of the adult, you can also find the identity, remember the judge, this Lei Luo must clean up. And this called Ye Yu, we must clean up! "

The ghosts looked at the two people he said, "Yes, Yes! White Yin Division personally explained, small natural dares to slack off."


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