Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Yun Yu is faintly glanced at the eyes, and the eyes are disappeared. "You still have a face."

: "

"Wang!" White is finally rushing up.

"Do you have a good job?" Yan Xiuzhen asked him.

Bai imperminely replied: "Wang, you can rest assured. It is already alive."

Yao Xiu dust, no longer say anything.

I can't ask for a month, "will you let Li Chongzhen meet with Zilu Qing?"

"No, there is no need." Repaired the dust.

I looked at him in the moon. "Who is it hurt when the purple soul is?"

directly, Toned: "In the hidden, it is related to you."

"I?" I feel unexpected.

Some of the rest haven't thought of it.

Yun Hao claused in doubts, suddenly asked: "The star stone?"

"Well, Zi family has, in her. She didn't drink poison, but did not escape the death robbery." Yan Xiu said.

The moon is light, and it is a while, and then the opening: "Asa is preparing to get out of the year, but, but did not expect that behind."

Repair is nodded, "Yes."

Also said: "The other party killed her, so that her soul was scattered, but things did not find. Later, I told Li Chongzhen's soul, so because of guilt, I would help her to find the soul."

Qingmu listened to a little bit, "? Listen like this, this emperor is not a routine?"

The moon is a bit too sad, "What? Can Even if he is not the same as the mother of Miss."

The focus of the month is, "Where is the star of the stars?"

"The Tower of Gaya." Repair the dust.

The moon is away from the month, "It seems that there is also an Ouyang ink in the hidden."

Yun Wei immediately opened: "Yes, this matter is handed over to check it. Perhaps the other side, there is still a star stone."

The moon took a nod again, "Well, it is possible."


"Cit?" Several people also look at him at the same time.

The month is busy: "How do you plan?"

Suddenly there are a few people saying that it is borus, and Yun Wei is more than the month, and he is slightly, "so I am sure."

Turned to the road: "Leave, place, let's go first."

Not waiting for the month to say, I will take her, flying to the outside of the house below.

The month will go down with Yun Wei, and the white is impermanent, and the laugh is asking: "Wang, you know, you don't want to tell the emperor, then you tell you? "

, "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "

... people are gone.

There are only two black and white in the air.

White can't help but depressed, immediately asked: "Xiao Black, you said, what can't be said?"

Suddenly, in his brain flashed, his mouth revealed a gossip of gossip, hitting the black.

: "You said ... What is the king wants to express in front of the Miss? It is so good to worship him? It is possible ..."

His words have not been finished, and if they are unusual, they have thrown a pair of extremely displaced eyes: "It seems that Wang, let me don't follow you, the brain is the stupid exchange of water."

I didn't see people in the next moment.


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