After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1930 The dead man has long left one hand.

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Suddenly, Wang Lin gooled loudly, fierce, half-faced meat was directly grabbed by him, and this scene made Qin Wen again.

Yun Wei couldn't help but eyebrows, "Mo, throw this ugly, and looked at the eyes."

Mo : "Yes! Master."

When Qin Wen was shocked, Wang Lin had been taken out by Mo.

The moon is faint: "I want to give you three breaths."



"I said!" Qin Wen quickly said.

The moon has hooked a smile: "It seems that Mrs. Qin is still very good. So, the first question, who is your easy tolerance?"

Qin Wen is stagnant, and suddenly it is silent. "

The moon has swayed the poison bottle in his hand, "I want it?"

Qin Wen hesitated to open: "That ... that is that the lady is inadvertent from a stranger."

"Do you think, we will believe? Need me to talk directly?" Month is slightly tone.

The other party once again, "I ..."

"With the easy medicine water, it is not ordinary, I know where there is this, just, I still want to know, what is your relationship with them? Do you meet with the cold?"

The moon said with a faint, and the dagger in his hand was attached to her cheek.

The cold dagger, touched her cheek, let Qin Wen are following a while.

In addition, he heard the moon, suddenly surprised, "You, do you know?"

"Do you know?" Moon took the road.

Qin Wen felt that the dagger was very uncomfortable, and I thought about Wang Lin's side, I was afraid.

Busy: "That easy medicine is Xiao Lao gave me."

The moon is separated from a different color, and asked: "Who is Xiao Lao? What is the relationship with you?"

Xiao Lao is responsible for refining Dan medicine, is an alchemist. It is also ... Xianzong, but I don't know. They just helped me, let me help them get the same purple stone like violet. "

Speaking of this, the moon is here to know what they are looking for.

The moon is in the eyes of the moon, and I will ask: "Then you have something to find?" Although it is already known, the Star stone has been transferred by the violet.

Qin Wen suddenly became a bit of darkness, "No, the dead man, I have already left one hand."

"Your Qin family knows what you did?" Monthly asked, she was skeptical, the same, the hidden family who was looking for stars, is Qin Jia ...


Qin Wen immediately smiled: "Do they know? They want to climb the purple home, I want to be clear and praised with the purple, even my life is not concerned, how can I know what I did?!"

"If it is not a violet, I will be humiliated by the princes. The Shao Gong brother did not hesitate to abandon me in order to marry the monk. It is said that I don't know how to climb his bed. "

"In the beginning, we were both love, and Ming Mingqing said that he would marry me, but finally, the monk abandoned me, even my poor child didn't keep ..."

"I hate it as clear, if there is no her, Yang Qing will not be like me! It is her!"

"Hey! You don't want your face, just in the nuts!" When the door was suddenly an angry man.


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