After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1936, she is 'people and' (supplement 3)

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "Leather, what do you want to do next?" Yun said.

Looking at the sky outside, it seems to be thinking about thinking, listening to Yun Yun asked, he replied: "It is true that the murdere is really fierce, but ... is like dust removal, wait until there is, now we In the Ming, they are dark. Only they appear, I can determine these people, who is. "

"This time is two people, it is certain that one is easy to be cold, and there is still an unknown ..."

Yun Wei immediately said: "Well, I will arrange a good person during the sacrifice."

The moon left, turned to see the dust, "Now the royal family of Gayo, they are eligible to make a representative?"

: "Lu Ziyue."

Yun Yuyi moved with the dust, and waited for him to continue.

: "She needs to be a media, sacrifice of the ceremonies, exactly 'Tiantian', her, is 'people and'."

When the two suddenly understood, the month will not help but say: "Is Zuo Ruqing's body is no problem?"

"Nothing, there is a star stone, the corpse is intact, but Dantian is destroyed, even if the resurrection is just ordinary people."

The month will not help but move, I'm going to say, I can't help but follow: "I can fix her Dantian, just as compensation! After all, Star stone is mine, she is also implicated."

, "Okay."

Yun Wei is said: "What do you want to tell me, I am preparing."

The moon is separated from the show: "Well."


In the empty temple, the man looked at the letters that had just received in the hands, and after opening, the face was suddenly condensed.

"It was found? Oh! It is still very powerful!"

It's a flash, and then disappeared appeared outside, and several hands in the door saw it immediately, and immediately rose: "See the Lord."

The man's mouth came with shallow smiles, said: "It seems that the master will not go out for a long time, let's go! It is rare to have an opponent."

Several low and loudly: "Yes! Less master!"

I don't know the month, another person who will make trouble to make her troubles.

The things in the Tero Gaya have also passed over time. Many people run away from the night of the prime minister, and there are many people ran to the palace door, and they will be unparalleled. For punishment, there is still the outside of Yin family.

In this regard, the Royal Jayuo is also the first time to post a notice, directly statement, Li Ming has been withdrawn from the princess, and it is degraded to the people.

All this, the month has long been expected.

At night, a Warcraft car just passed away from Yinjiamen. At this time, Yin family is in the middle of the city, and everyone will shout highly: "Signify Li Ming! Must strictly punish Li Musou!"

"I will hand over Li Musou! Must severely punish the risks!"

I looked down and put down the curtain. "Yin family said if he will be parallel, but it can still be guaranteed. If it is not guaranteed ... I am afraid, Li no double wants to live only by Yin Xiaoyue."

The voice just fell, he heard the population of the outside, suddenly horing, "Li Musou came out! Fast! Killing her"

"Killing this harm! Snake poison woman!"


"Wait, stop first." Moon removing.

When the Moon stopped, the month was stopped, and the moon was suddenly opened again, and he saw that Li Ming was sent out of the door, and the head is a hard-working middle-aged man, and she stands at Yin Xiaoyue. It is not allowed to be close.

Yin Xiaoyue is anxious, trying to get rid of the restraint of those people, but can not enter, can only be anxious: "Hey! You can't do this! Hey! Please ask you, you put it. My mother! Hey! "


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