After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1953 is repaired and refined

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Yun Wei returned to his hospital, and he felt that there was a quiet in the house, and he suddenly rose, and it was flashed into the house, and the door was also closed.

The back of the ink is still not coming, and it feels that the movement of the room has been isolated.

I quickly raised my hand, "No one is close to the owner's house, all waiting outside."

Several Dark Guards are somewhat surprises, but they don't think much. It is to read the eyes and recovered their attention.

The ink is watching the closed door, and the smile is coming again.

In the house, the moon is being locked in Yun Hao, and the cheek floated a red cloud, and the breathing is still uniform.

The little eye of the blame, glance, "Is it enough? Satisfied?"

Yun Hao's mouth came with a smile and laughed: "Not enough, it will never be enough."

The moon is open to him, there is not a good air: "No way, there is no way, now I am busy."

Yun Wei smiled shallow: "Good! Everything listens to the lady."

The moon took into a small bathroom in the room, taking it out, changing his clothes, this time, it is a man dress up.

A silver white slim men's clothing, half a bundle of hair, with Yuxuan to erect the hair with Yuxuan, the sword eyebrow fly into the mouth, the corner of the mouth hooked the taste, looked at Yun Yu.

"Bonology, is it enough?"

Yun Hao suddenly returned to God, and he was inexplicably inexplicably inexplicably: "How do you dress this?"

Monthly replied: "Don't think men's identity is more convenient, and it is not easy to let people think about my identity?"

When Yun Hao suddenly smiled, nodded immediately, "Yes, the lady said."

Donned and said: "After the sacrifice will be sacrificed tomorrow, we will go to Mo City."

The moon is all-color in the moon, and immediately asked: "Yes ... what is the last restaurant?"

Yun Yi nodded: "Well, it is a little eyebrow, it is very likely that you guess, but it is not sure. In addition, in recent days, Mo Cheng is dead, death is a cultivation of cultivation Everyone is dead, Dan Tian is empty. I doubt that people who kill them are cultivating what is going to the sky. "

"Casual failure? Dantian empty?" The month is frown, and then falls into thoughts.

Yun Yu once again said: "This matter is already in the people in Mo Cheng, many people have also moved out Mo City, and the people have a enchanting in the monsters, I, now Mo City's city owner with Mo family In line with this matter, Longfei night with red art is also helping to investigate. In addition, I also let Feng dance a few times. "

Quiet for a moment, the moon is thinking down, "Okay, that day, go to Mo Cheng. I think, it is necessary to have the scene of the restaurant ..."

"Well." Yun Yu returned, "Now, the people of Zijia went to Calf City."

"That is right." The month will go outside the family.

The door opened, and Yun Wei automatically stayed with the moon, and looked with her hand, his mouth came with a faint smile, and the mood was extremely good.

Looking at the outside of the outside, I suddenly understood why my master was closely closed, and I used to have a knot. It turned out that their prince was turned off.

The ink is immediately on the foregoing ritual: "Congratulations to the master and refined."

The moon nodded, "Fortunately, it has not been advanced for a long time."

Yun Hao hooks: "The child is modest."

"No, just tell the truth, I originally advanced to the sixth floor of the king, now just successfully advanced to seven layers, but if you want to advance to the finals than the trial, I am far less." Say.


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