After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1962, that person is not you can provoke.

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "I didn't expect it to have a fate. Since I don't do anything, I don't seem to say it ..."

The black robes are the night wind, and the wine glasses are pinched in their hands. Look at the past people, and they are all over the cold.

After sitting behind two young men, one is the lifted Yin Jun, who is being forgotten, and the other is not as simple as the identity.

The two people heard the words of the night wind, and suddenly came.

Yin Jun said: "Who is it, and it has caused a big brother?"

"I look! Who is it going to be unlucky? Let you be staring at night, it is basically not dead." Men ridicule.

The night wind turned, and the eyes contained a smile and looked at the opposite man, smiled and smiled: "It seems that you are a Qingyuan brother to understand me."

Mu Qingyuan laughed very badly: "This, how do I don't believe it? But say true, who is provoked?"

Yin Junlu had a curious look, and then asked: "The master said, if it is not disappointing, the brother is willing to help."

At night, I can't help but ridicule. "You? Still count! That person is not you can provoke."

Yin Junbei was screwed, and suddenly asked: "The big brother, is the other party is very identity?"

Who will it be? Is it the emperor of other countries? But he is also the first family of Gaya, the young master, the family of Xianzong, the four elders of the elders, is the emperor to be a bit more feasible!

That is the Zongmen?

Some uncertainties: "Is it a spiritual?"

The night wind picked the eyebrows, and the expression will sink, "No, that person is now, I can't move."

The identity of that person is also very much ...

Light, suddenly said: "May soon, you will know. It's just not open, you still don't know."

This makes them two more curious, but the night does not say, directly transfer the topic.

"Do you know what happened?" The night wind said, deliberately looked at Yin Jun, the ever of the eyes, the time is obvious.

Yin Jun was somewhat embarrassed by his eyes, and immediately nodded. "This happened, the brother is also very surprised."

Mu Qingyuan revealed a smile: "I really didn't expect that Lu Zonglong still had such a fate, but unfortunately, there was no dihood. In the end, I would like to thank Mrs. Lady at home, with her. Mother! "

Yin Junten showed a smear: "Mrs. Master? She is no longer, soon, the position of Mrs. Master is my mother."

Speaking of this, Yin Jun's heart has a happy pleasure, and the smile in the corner is also can't restrain.

Mu Qingzhi scored a brightest color, smiled and said: "Is it? If so, I should congratulate the young master in advance?"

The night wind took a pot of wine in the desktop, and in the cup, he was full of Yin Jun. "Come, I respect you, congratulations," "

Yin Juntou said that he looked at the wine glass: "Brother, thank you, in the future, the brother needs a lot of people in Zongmen."

Mu Qingyuan laughed, "Come, we will do three a cup, now you can drink it first, after a while, but there is something to do."

"Good!" The night wind also exposed a smile, horing the cup in his hand, and did it.


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