Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! That hand, I will respect the road: "Yes! Follow it!"

When the scene has been quiet for a while, Bai Xuanwu is indifferent to the face of a touch of light, "Can you have ventilated?"

I heard this sentence, I was inexplicable, some didn't react, but some people quickly understood, but no one dared to return.

Bai Xuanwu looked at the few people on the side of the lower side. The look was unpredictable, and several of the most exclusible, it was just to complain to Yin Xiaoyue's crime.

However, if Bai Xuanwu also reads the eyes deeply, he recovered the line of sight. He immediately said: "Since today is a sacrifice ceremony, natural. It is also to be based on the sacrifice, some things, first, this messenger How much grievances do you have, or how much hatred. "

"Now it is quiet, then how to give it, the temple will definitely give you a satisfactory manner. On the same day, the young temple said, Li Musou is to help the Queen of the country, the saga, then, there should be Punishment, the Lord of the Young Temple, the Lord, who is unparalleled, can only listen to his life. "

Yin family here, Wang's somewhat unexpected, "What do you mean? Listen to the heavens? Is it planning to let Li Musou?"

Yin Jie hindled cold, immediately looked at the side, there was a man opposite to her, and I saw Yin Jiezhen directly made a gesture.

The other party secretly returned to a gesture, then he heard that the man was very angry: "No, if the Lord of the Shandian is so clearly, it is dialishment to fight for the guides!"

There is also a way: "We all know that the Temple is to maintain the order of the mainland, maintain the balance between the countries, the temple has always been fair, but now Li Ming is the sinner of the Gayo, the Shaohe is so decided, unfair!"

Many people suddenly surprised, some are quite unexpected.

I immediately had some people: "I heard it for the first time, some people dare to say such a hide of the Temple."

"Oh, there is a play." The people can't help but laugh, it seems that there are those people who are stupid.

When I heard this, Bai Xuanwu's brow suddenly, scared over dark colors, and looked at the places where the speech came out.

Yin Xiaoyue is a little nervous, and it is a little worried, she doesn't want her mother to die.

Seeing Bai Xuanwumei did not speak, just the man, once again looked at Yin Jie, two people interacted again, the man's expression is a difficult look, but in Yin Jie, I made two gestures, and the cold light in her eyes. After that, the man was obviously scratched, nodded immediately.

Just when everyone was in the words, when I was surprised, I suddenly sounded a voice again. "Everyone knows that Li Xiaoyue always likes the Hallowatus, this is the people who are well-known!"

"Even if the Shandian is not the emperor of Gayor, is the young man who likes him because Yin Xiaoyue likes him, so I think I use this way.

The moment, almost the entire square, such as the blown pot, the sound of the audience, "Wow! Dare to say this?"

"Admire, I admire! This kind of thing dares to say."

"God! Is the Shandian owner not really talk to Yin Xiaoyue?"

"I have heard of this matter, Yin Xiaoyue has always been to the young temple, although the young temple has always been an indifferent attitude."

"I don't want to, the female chasing the man, the nipple gauze, maybe the young temple is likely to be angry with Yin Xiaoyue?"

Everyone talked about it, and Yin Jie's mouth is idle, and it is very satisfied with the situation at this moment.

Just she didn't know, in her self-righteous no one found these little movements, even when she was in touch with them, in fact, someone had seen all of her behavior in the eyes.


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