After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1986 is in Tianyi Ling

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "What? Emperor?"

The people of Jaya's people suddenly shocked, and there were many people in other countries to show a strange look.

For everyone, the sacrifice of the temple is sacred, and the emperor of Jaya is the sinner of Gayor, even if it is in a suicide, it is the stain of Gayor.

What does it mean to raise his coffin to a ceremonial ceremony?

Li Chongming can't help but fight, is wrong? The corpse of his royal brother has been buried?

Because of the wrong reasons why they committed, it is impossible to make a burial, so they have not been open, they are all done.

"Emperor? What is going on?" Li Xu said weird.

Yin Xiaoyue did not understand: "What is the emperor in the emperor? What is the temple to lift his body?"

Li Chongming's face is dignified, looking at the mouth of the black, the wood is fine, knowing is good wood. Never be a general wood material, absolutely rare. And there is a reason why he will doubt.

The coffin used by Li Chongzhen is the same, which can be said, which makes him uncertainty.

"This ... is not very clear ..."

Li Ming has seen the black scorpion that was raised, the first reaction was shocked, and he couldn't help but clearly call: "Emperor?"

Although the tone is shocked, it is basically identified.

The month will sit in the room with Yunyang. At the same time, I have not forgotten the little action of Yin Jie.

Bai Xuanwu has no response to the guessment of everyone.

It is because of this, so those people guess are even more bold, and they are basically sure, they are emperor!

"Why? Why do you want to put the hustlership?"

"It's! He does not accept our worship!"

Some people immediately went: "The messenger, the body of the emperor will only tarnish this sacrificial ceremony, and it will also tarnish the eyes of the emperor!"

The moon is slightly smoked slightly, and Yunyang is very good to say: "Put, fast, will pollute your eyes."

"Master is a joke, who is in front of you, you will not know?" The month said that he didn't look at him faintly.

Yunyang sirred, "Master is not to have a joke with you?"

"However, do you determine that people can be introduced?"

"Unless they don't want to be starry ..."

The moon has a faint sweeping below, and suddenly I saw a few young men and women in the crowd. I seem to have seen it, and I won't help you.

"Meteor ..."

"Meteorz? What happened? Is there a meteorite?" Yunyang's first reaction is this.

When the moon is suddenly laughed, then just shook his head: "No, just 'I am fortunate to have met."

"Isn't it not bullying you? You don't lie to Master." Yunyang did not believe it, and also looked at the direction of the meteor.

The moon is separated again: "Master is relieved, you are not so good."

"Oh, I can't stand it so soon?"

Just when they talk, the opposition below is strong.

At this time, Yin Jiezhen also made a hint for the previous man, the other party nodded, this time I used spiritual power.

Let the entire square, even people around the square, can be heard.

"What is Tianli !! How can the Temple can be a person who is illegal?"

"The emperor is! If you are in the sky, please take a look, this is your goddess in the people!"

Everyone: ".........."

The moon is smoked, and the face is still embarrassing ...


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