Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Yin Xiaoyue looked at everyone once again broke out, and he had paired his head to the temple.

When I suddenly died, I didn't go, the oil was silent, and I looked up.

"Hey, this is blamed for me to follow the mother, I shouldn't pull the temple."

and so……

Li Chongming listened to her, I felt something wrong, "Xiaoyue, what do you want to do?"

"They are dissatisfied is that I have my mother, then ..." Yin Xiaoyue said, suddenly flew directly to the sacrificial station.

This move has surprised many people, I don't know what she wants.

"Let's go!" The temple guard on the sacrificial court immediately surrounded her.

Bai Xuanwu faces serious look at her, and then, "What are you doing?"

"Yue children! Go down, there is no matter here!" Li did not have anything to do, but his heart is more anxious.

Li Chongming also hurriedly shouted: "Xiaoyue, you are going down!"

Yin Xiaoyue shook his head directly, "No, the daughter wants to be with the mother, let alone, this situation is because of us."

"Yue Xia ..." Li Musou didn't help but wonder the tears.

Yin Jun looked at the moment is not satisfied, "" Since finding dead road, can this blame?! "

Yin Jie reveals a satisfactory smile, and the eyes enlighten the cold.

Bai Xuanwu understood, directly said: "You go down! This thing is not related to you, come and send her."

He said, is not to be, it is not taken away.

Yin Xiaoyue couldn't help but show it all, whiteline would say this.

And Yin Jie donned the stage to be blown out.

It's okay? Is it difficult to have a harmonic? Is it true to her?

No! Absolutely no! Today, such a good opportunity, if it is lost, it is more difficult to remove their mother and daughter in the future.

If the royal family is completely given up, she is still there, but it seems impossible now.

This time I can't bear it, and then the spiritual power will expand the sound.

Take a deep breath, keep the tone peacefully, slowly: "and slow."

The people in the field heard her voice and immediately looked toward her.

"Hey? Is this not a young lady of Yin?"

"Yes! What she wants?"

Yin Hebei is wrinkled, some dissatisfied side glance, "What are you going to do?"

"Hey, the daughter will not do things that hurt the Yin family." Yin Jiezhen saw his dissatisfaction and explained immediately.

However, this thing Yin family can set out things out, but now I pushed Yinjia to the public, which makes Yin Chey how to think.

However, at this moment, I have already concentrated on them, even if it is not yet.

The moon has a ridicule, and then light the words: "Inti-tomb, I can't stop it."

Yunyang immediately agreed: "It is right."

Bai Xuanwu asked her and asked indifferently: "What?"

Yin Xiaoyue saw Yin Jie, suddenly felt.

Li Ming's reaction is like receiving stimuli, "What do you want to do? I don't want you to hurt Yue children! What happens to me!"

Yin Xiao Yue saw this immediately rushed to Li's unparalleled, housing her, "Mother, nothing."

Li Wushuang is very nervous, she will be Yue Yue, "Yue Xia ..."

Everyone does not understand, what is the family of the family?

Yin Jie's once again spoken, slowly said: "Li Walk, what you just made, I didn't understand it, I didn't want to have you, although you have nothing to do with Yin family, but my sister and Jie will always have a house. How can I harm her? "


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