After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 1997 East ... No, it is a cloud ...

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! At the same time, at the same time, the night wind look is slightly decorated, "" Moon White? So Yun Yi is in this? Yun Yu is in the words, then ... Feng Town is also possible. ? "

Mu Qingyuan looked confused: "Who is you just said?"

He is known to several famous characters in the West Continent, but the name of Feng Town is obviously unfamiliar.

"She is different from all the women you have ever seen." The night wind replied, just under the look, it will find that there is some darkness in his eye.

Mu Qingyuan listened, immediately came, "Oh? Listen to you, this woman, the mainland is very wanting to see."

On the night of the night, he looks at him, and the mouth is smile, "Reassured, she will not let you down."

Yin Jun bowed to think about this, and worked hard in his mind, and the phoenix city, only, some disappointed is that there is no impression of this person in Fengling City in his mind.

Look at the night's words, it is clear that the woman can be very simple.

On the other side, a few people standing in the person, one of them is the man who is in the past, the face with a bat semi-mask mask, which is also an accident.

The girls wrapped in the two faces next to them, and there were also obvious surprises.

Powder girls did not hold back whispered: "Is it a month doctor? He will be here?"

Next to the Ziyi girl as the side, I made a banned gesture: "Hey! Do you want everyone to hear?"

The other party quickly lifted his mouth, nodded, "Hey!"

The Purple Square man immediately said: "He is here ... Is it?"

Ziyi girl is a little negligented to him, asked: "Brother, who do you say?"

"Who do you think?" The men's tone was obviously with a cold.

Girls can't help but fight, it seems to be reacted, "You said ..."

In the back, she did not say it directly, but the brothers have understood it.

Powder girls are not conquered, "I'm brother, who do you say?"

"Who is our enemy?" Ziyi girl is obliquely.

The other party can't help but show the eyes: "East ... no, it is cloud ..."

"Okay, continue to see, other temporary don't say anything." The black robe man interrupts her.

Powder girl is busy, "Yes, the cousin said."

On the side of the side, Wu Zhong, I went through a doubts, my heart thought, the son realized the moon god doctor? You can listen to the traces of them, just like the relationship is not very pleasant ...

However, the other party did not say that it is naturally not asking as a hand.

More than this, there is still a few parties, including the second emperor of Yunlong, Yunzhao.

"I didn't expect the moon god doctor to start the parents' parents?" Yun Zhao's face with obvious satirical colors, and I won't believe that Moon white will be good.

Next to the hand: "The master will not be because of the Shandian of the Temple? So will you help?"

Another hand is there: "Maybe, is the young temple to save people?"

There is a clear color of the clouds in Yun Zhao, not there is no possibility to say in both hands, just because Li Yaizhen has feelings to the woman, so let the moon white shot?

Around the nearest place in the rituals, some women looked at Li Xiaoxue who was being killed by the moon god doctor '. It is impossible to say that I can't envy.

But it will remain quiet, there is no much words, then look at the serious moon gods.

However, not everyone thinks like this, such as ... Yin Jie.


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