After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2001 is the teacher, is it very domineering?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The night wind is also at this time, take out the contact, and quickly enter the text written by the genetics.

The other side of the purple robe is also surprised to follow the two girls. "Master Sura?"

"How can he be here?" Ziyi girl could not help but wonder.

Purple robe men's eyes microphone, then the opening: "Moon ink is actually friends ... Is it also a West Turndo? That's also known as him ..."

Wu Zhong asked again: "The son knows this person?"

"Don't know, just heard. I have never seen the real person, I have seen it today." Purple robe replied.

Wu Zhong did head, "Moon god doctor seems to be very good as this bench is very good."

The Purple Square is quiet, and it is died in the color of the dignity and not speak.

Many other people feel doubts, "Look at this, seemed to be very familiar with them,"

"But I have never heard of Shura? Who is the cloud?"

"However, how do you listen to it is not like a good person? A mask is so terrible." This is a woman saying that there seems to be scared.

Yunyang is Yunxian, which is strong, hearing natural and keen. After listening to the discussion below, his mouth has evoke a faint smile.

"The , is it a very domineering?"

The moon has a faint side, looked at him, "Well, this mask is scary."

"This mask, I rushed from the dragon girl. He said that this is the goods in his box. I still don't believe it, it seems that it is indeed the bottom level of the pressure box, hahaha!" Yunyang smile Cheerful, mood is called a comfortable.

Moon ink is slid down, slightly smoked slightly, and old ancestors do you have some high people's image?

Four young people next to the black sputum, have a somewhat old man in front of it.

Li No Double Support Li Xiaoxue is also a face, watching them.

The moon has a cough and cough. "That, talk about it. Today, I am here, just a special trip to participate in the ceremonial ceremonies, happening to see a good play."

Bai Xuanwu asked: "What is the meaning of the Shuo Son?"

"Don't I have been watching the play?" I asked in a faint rogue, but the corner of the mouth was laughing.

Bai Xuanwu stunned, suddenly understood, and immediately smiled, "To the right, the son said," it is true that it is true. "

Moonlight also followed: "But this starter, it seems that I don't know?"

The moon is slightly eyebrows, and then said: "Yin Second, since you said you said that you love the young temple of the temple, then this son will give you a chance, let you touch his opportunity, how?"

There are many people in this population surprised, and there is still an immediate look at Yin Jie, some girls are envious!

Li Xiaoyue is also a bit negligible, looking at the moon to reveal the confusion.

Wang's is a little surprised, and then is pleased, "Jie Jie, Go! Go!"

Yin He can not help but have some doubts, always feel that this is not strong, browned, "Shuraong, what do you want to do?"

Yin Jie also has some bad hi, after all, the idea of ​​his own is clear, although she also hopes that her future husband is people, there is a right place, but there will be no self-knowledge.

I am busy: "Jie Xie Xie Xie Zhilong's kindness, Jie Jie is gone. But Jieyi knows that there is no hide, as long as the old hall is good, clean and happy. Other, cleansenes do not dare to expect "

The moon smiled and said: "Since you say what you just said, it is for the young temple. In this case, give you a chance to speak with the main hall, why not dare? Or, say, you I am used to the back of the woman, when you face, you can't do anything? "

"You!" Yin Jie suddenly stories, even busy, "I didn't, you said in Hu."


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