After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

The 2004 chapter of the Shandian is originally talking

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The moon has a smile, "How will it? If you give you, you have to find a kindness right?"

directly is not good: "Don't."

There is no constant head in the back, and the big lady is intentional. How can this kind of woman go into the world? "

When they were chatting, they were quiet, no one spoke.

Some people have a surprised look, completely horrified.

"This ... this is indeed a young man?"

"He talks?"

On the side, several girls directly forth to him: "Hey! How do you talk? Less Temple will speak!"

"Just! It should be he said a lot!"

The people around them are this idea. The monette of the temple in their impression is the last three to four words. It is often a word. Now it is not much, but also said so much?

Many people even feel that today, will n't it be a fake young temple?

The face of the night wind changed slightly, looked at the chat method of

Yin Jun was shaken slowly for the idea that I just wanted to remove Shura.

Purple robe men's eyes were obviously stunned, "He is also so good to have the main relationship with the Hall of the Temple?"

Yin He plays a very good way to see the relationship between the Qing Dust and the moon, slowly disappeared, although the face is still a bit ugly.

Suddenly, it is dissatisfied with the Wang: "If you have anything to do today, you will do it yourself!"

This makes Wang's obvious flustered, busy explains: "Master, this matter can not be strange! Jean is innocent ..."

"You give me a mouth, there is no innocent, I am not old confused, can I not see now?" Yin Hexin is a little blowing, seeing the eyes of Wang's eyes.

Wang's heart was happiered by this eyes, but also afraid, immediately shut up without daring, and it was also in the heart.

Looking at her on the sacrifice, her eyes are not full.

The moon is just a simple chat with the dust. It has not continued, and the Qing Xiu dust has been respectful to Yunyang: "The late generations have seen the forever."

Yunyang nodded, "Well, free."

Bai Xuanwu looks obviously a glimpse. Who is this older? Even the patriarchal patriarchal is respectful to him?

Just inside the population below, a couple of hands and wife, "the old one is more than ... Shandian is also honored?"

Next to Lu Yan's ghost face mask, it took a long time, and it was a half-day, how to look like their old ancestors Yunyang.

It is also this idea of ​​Lai Lu Ziyue: "Hey, don't you think that this Yunxian predecessors are somewhat similar to the old ancestors?"

"Do you think so?" Lu Yan asked.

Lu Ziyue nodded, "Um, like."

"That maybe it is." Lu Yan immediately affirmed.

The two couples next to it, "" Your old ancestors? Isn't Yunyang live? "

After the wicked is surprised, turn it back to the stage.

Like them, others are also curious 'Yunxian' identity, just that the month is not intended to say more.

"The people come up?" Monthly looks on the edge of the stage.

The guards of the Temple immediately put a few men, and the faces were angry.

Yin Jie looked at these fews, it is more horrified, these are those who have arranged!


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