After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

The 2010 chapter Queen shows the spirit!

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! This scene is obviously scared by many people in the sacrificial platform, but also the stunned stunned stunned ahead.

Yin Jie's eyes widened, did not respond at all.

The moon is off next to a guard: "Do you still alive?"

A guard also reacted immediately, and rushed to the end, tried to try the breath, and it was shocked.

Immediately immediately tried again to his Dantian, once again, "Damn? And Dantian's Yuan Ying is also black ... Waste."

The moon looked at the gods, "I heard it? This is the consequence to the Queen, if you want to follow him, this son will never stop you."

The few people were all scared, and the people below were scared.

Some of the old ages are even more than the statues, they will be born directly, "the Queen shows the spirit! The Queen shows the spirit!"

"See the Queen of Emperor!"

This is not a person who is not born in worship, "said that the emperor is high, and the sound is high."

Some paradise did not help but follow, as everyone shouted together.

On the moon, I looked at the Yunyangzi. The corner of Yunyang squatted with a smile, and he looked straight into the legs.

Moon White will not be the same as others. I really thought it was a Queen's Xianling. After all, the real empress himself is in the sacrificial station, but it is still a person who is a person, so can make this behavior, can only be next to it. Bit, however, look at their old ancestors, I want to come, he is undoubtedly.

The few people are already afraid, and Yin Jie is also afraid, how can there be this kind of thing?

Li Mo Dali Li Xiaoyue did not dare to hesitate, and he kneelhed toward the female emperor.

"Give you a chance. If you don't say it, you may never have a chance." The moon has a cool voice, and it will pass it to those people.

The blue shirt has changed, it is fear, it is also nervous.


"Well? The Queen is watching you!" The month added the sentence.

The man is not hesitant, thuds, and marry toward the statue.

"It's not a small thing, the queen, this is not a little attention, she is her! Give us a few money, buy us. Let us find a chance, will be unparalleled Dead. "

After this person said, Wang's dizziness was almost fainted, and Yin He was also shocked.

Yin Jie should stop him from talking, but still can't move, and can not sound.

Those people have heard unexpectedly, and some are surprised.

Li Xiaoyue is extremely anger, and suddenly asked Yin Jie, "why? Why do you do it? I left Yinjia with my mother, you still have to fall in the stone to us in death?"

Yin Xiaoyue face color is transformed, that is, no words.

The month asked again: "Also, you said that Li County is the mother who dies you? Who is a daughter who is fighting?"

There are two men who are awkward, while moving towards the gods, "the female emperor, please forgive us, we don't dare again. Small is also a ghost and fascinating, was filled with money."

In addition, there is also an immediate followed down, towards the : "The Lord of the Hall, the little can not help you, the little is nonsense, I can't help you!"

The Qing Dust looks faintly, slowly opening: "Xuanwu, penalty."

White virgin immediately, "people, people who have contaminated the young temple, the dungeon of the temple, whipping sixty, and then refused to repair it, ex vying the country!"


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