Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "Well, now let the Shandian master announce the most important thing in the ceremonial ceremony." Bai Xuanwu went, and he retired.

However, I haven't waited for the dust to talk, Yinhe's voice sounded: "Everything about what happened, is there a little explanation? Why is there a queen for 20 years?"

Yin He Eye gods with the color of doubt, looked at the dust, and the face is dark, with the color of the dignity.

The lord of the black robe looked at the heart of the crane, and the corner of his mouth revealed the colored colors, and he left a few words on the hand around him.

Some of the people around are actually curiously what happened, but the Temple does not say that they don't dare to ask, after all, there is a few prior to the front of the temple.

But Yin He said, some people's courage is also big, "Shandian, we also want to know, what is the reason, the Queen is alive?"

Some people have thoughtful and active, several olders who seem to be a Zongmen have always been everything beforelink.

One of them, the squat leaving the elderly of Goat, and immediately expanded his voice and said: "The old man is really open in the eyes today. I didn't expect the body that died for decades without a hail. Can I don't do it intact? Can the Temple still have to die? "

On the side of the other old, the eyes are deeply trapped, and the eyes are turbid, the face is dark, and the body is dead, the sound is somewhat hoarse, some low: "The Temple has this kind of thing, why Do not benefit mainlanders? "

"Just, if it is the convenience of the old man, it is better to help my husband to resurrect a person?" The old man next to him again.

... ... The people around him also appeared in an instant because of his two.

"Who they are? Do you dare to talk to the young temple?"

"Is these not worried about how the Temple will treat them?"

Some people think that it is not much less than they, but they don't dare to say it. This will hear it. It is natural to be happy. Some people say their heart.

But they said that they were more euphemistic, and they immediately said: "In fact, I want to know that since the Hall of the Temple can reunite the Queen of Gayor, then other people can also be?"

Some people are Tao: "Hey! You said, this is the miracle of death and reborn, is it a master of the mother?"

Some people look at the lifelike god, but I feel that "I am not too might? God seems to be dead, I want to say that there is a secret law in the temple."

The black robe man, the eyes glanced over the eyes, and the eyes were full of mocking.

Look at the dust on the stage, can't help but explore.

The hand next to the hand is also quietly asked: "Adults, this is really true? Is it too incredible? Will it really have a Queen?"

The man is light: "This adult is only a hear, but it has never seen it. Is it, don't you say it?"

Yin He heard the two old men, it was more happy, regardless of their purpose, as long as he can reach his purpose is enough.

The moon floated in the moon, whispered: "It seems that someone wants to hit the idea."

"Then see if they have the life ..." Yunyang is in a light way.

Wei Xiu dust looked at the heart of the heart, and he looked at the people who had just speaking to the crowd.


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