After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2055 Advanced Society 5

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Yunyangzi, as well as Yun Yun, there are no more people who are still in the air, all pay attention to the radiation that is ready to be sent in the air.

Thunder is significantly larger than the first twice, and the sound of the earthquake is even more scared on the spot.

There are some people who have not come to the square, even those who have not come to the square.

"What is going on this day? What is the robbery?"

Outside the streets alley are full of people, some people have just running, and this is a shocking.

"What is going to happen?"

Someone returned: "I don't know, I heard that some people have to rob the sacred level there, but like this is a terrible thing than the holy level? Someone has been robbed, just this more scary!"

"Will it make a mistake? Maybe a ferrievty?" Someone turned back.

Everyone guess all kinds, but no one can say it clearly.

Go back to the inn purple family, including Lu Yan, also found it wrong.

At the moment, the second thunder of the moon, Lu Ziyan ran out with Mo Wei.

Lu Yan station looks at the direction of the square, obviously feels that it is not right, and immediately speak: "Month, you first keep your mother first, let's see what is going on, ink white, you are here ... "

Moon white knew he wanted him to stay, immediately opened: "Master, the apprentice is also ready to see."

He has a kind of parents, this situation is related to the small point.

If you don't wait, Lu Yan speaks, the monthly ink white has been knocked out the window, and it will go to the square.

"This stink!" Lu Yan suddenly wanted to collect him.

Zi Fubong immediately said: "Wonderful, here I have, you hurry!"

Lu Ziyue immediately ride: "Hey, you can rest assured!"

Zili Qingyi sat on the bed and looked at him and didn't help but smile: "Go, there is nothing here."

"We also go to see, this strange phenomenon, I also want to know what happened!" Is Viox said that there was a month of Moon White directly dropped the window.

Zi also said: "Grandfather grandmother, aunt, praislen also want to see." ... people flew out.

The purple is unpretched and the purple is not trace, and the greetings will follow up.


Purple Thousands of Purple Furong look at it, although they also feel that they seem to have eventually, but their daughter is the most baby now.

"Hey, let you go! Here is us!" Lu Ziyue immediately urged.

Lu Yan looked at the purple, and finally disappeared in the room.

Zi Ruoqing looked at the scene of the clouds and clouds in the window, and also premedited to some unusual things, naturally won't stop Lu Yan.

I have already been ready to move the third thunder, and I'm at this time!

Thunder shock, lightning scratches the horizon, and the black-shaped lightning is projected!

The moon is here to see the Tianlei, can't help but feel speechless. "How is it a ball?" It's too much to think that when the whole body's defense is to best.

The crowd also sounded the exclaimed exclaims, even screaming: "Wow! What is this Tianlei?"

"God! Quickly get out! Return !!"

At the same time, everyone reacted, Tianlei has also fallen rapidly, with a strong destructive power, thunder, and the moon of the ground.

I have been sitting on the square side, and the Tianlei, who is robbed, and it is a threatening of Huang Shiming that itch. It also feels a threat.

"How is it?" At this time, the flash has long been too late, can only turn on the defense.



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