After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2056 Advance Upgrade 7

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! It is not much more thinking, this double power, thunderbatch, even if there is still the power of faith in her body, it can also be resistant to such strong power.

At the same time, the spiritual power is already running quickly, and the moon is also fighting!

Not only will adjust the defense to the best, but the spiritual power is also running at the same time.

The speed of flying in hand, the spiritual force is again strengthened, bombing ... The momentum is soaring.

Huang Shiming also felt the threat from Tianlei. At this moment, it is really a little regret, and it is finally why it is repeatedly issued before the white impermanence.

I don't think much about it, I have to quit the square and quickly slammed into the protective circle.

Just ... Hey!

Just rushing out, I was rebounded back!

Directly fell on the ground, Huang Shi Ming's eyes showed a clear incredible incredible, how could it be?

However, it has been thinking more.

Thunderbal balls, the moon is out of the moment!

! !! ! boom……

Such as Mars hits the earth, after the two huge impacts, the ground of the entire square left a giant pit, which can be said that in addition to the sacrificial station, it was more than the periphery of the temple to use the protective cover.

All of the protective hoods are completely destroyed.

Everyone is also scared ...

Yun Zhao's talented mouth has forgotten to close, and nebrace and swallow the mouth.

The scene has also become a unforgettable picture of people present. In the next day, I will recall the scene of today, still being thrilling, and I am honored.

"Leather ..." Yun Yun also couldn't help but immediately slammed to the square.

Thousands of horses are also quickly keep up.

It is also true that Yunyang is in the same way, and they all rushed to the big pit.

There are three or four meters deep, the bottom of the big pit, lying down a whole body is hurt.

The mold that was originally brought has also been destroyed, and the face is also full of blood pollution, and it is not clear.

Yun Wei just hugged up the moon, Yunyang took the first step, looked at the moon-like moon, heartache.

Immediately detected her injury.

Everyone is quiet and waiting for the situation, but, he did not wait until he said that other things, he saw that he followed the month, he was hurting, and he was hurtful: "Anti-apprentice, how are you? Don't scare people ... "

"You wake up!"

"Hey ... my nice brother, if you are gone, Master can do it! Master is not allowed!"

"You got a good time to give Master, drink? Master will starve, can you bear? Do you have the heart? Hey ... You can't die! Master is good!"

Yun Wei: "..."

: "..."

: "..."

White impermanence: "..."


A group of people gathered in the bottom of the pit, is speechless to look at Yunyang, he is holding the moon, and it is very sad, can't help but shake her ...

Yun Wei is so angry, immediately: "Master, if you go so, if you leave, you will have something to do!"

And the people outside, when he heard from the bottom of the big pit, the Yunyang sorrow is over-crying, the result has been basically concluded.

"Hey ... It's a pity."

"I thought it was a gainful genius, I didn't expect or fallen."

"It seems that it is a heaven!"

Mu Qingyuan looked at the situation on the square, can't help but also a pillent expression, "It seems that the old man is not allowed to live too much, and it is a pity."

The night wind has a suspect: "Is he really dead?

? "


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