Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Yunyang is oblique to them: "What do you know? Laozi is called hard! This is called hurt in an apprentice, hurting in Master. Do not understand?"

Several, including Zijia's four brothers and sisters, very not to shake their heads, "don't understand."

"Oh! You have these little rabbits, forget it, Laozi can't communicate with you." Yunyang didn't have a good look.

There is no life in the white without constant, but it is very happy to play.

When Yun Yu took the front, he squatted on the side of the month, and looked at her nervously.

The month is exited from induction, showing a smile: "Nothing. The holy baby in Dantian has been condensed, and I am automatically repairing my body."

Yun Yu is headed down, "I should not stay in this place, I will hold you back first."

It is said that I have to reach out to the moon, but Yunyang is directly hugged from the arms.

"You walk, want to take the opportunity to take advantage of it? No door!" Yunyang glared at him and flew away from the original place.

Yun Wei is a little un mind, looking like a smile, it seems to see his joke, slowly: "Laughter?"

The ,, ,

It's very straightforward: "Look at you eat, happy."

A few strangers can't help but look at Yun Yu, I want to know his reaction.

"The landscape is turned, you will have this day." Yun said faintly.

,, ...

When Yun Hao's eyes, Xiaimai, looked at the eyes of ,

Thousands of horses can't help but sigh, ,, ?????? Although I know that he is also very excellent, it is really not good to say this.

Dynasty, the Dynasty said: "The Lord of the Shandian, the thousands of words will be left first."


Thousands of horses have also left, Lu Yan also said that he also said, "First."

Lu Ziyi did not delay, she is very exciting now, I really want to follow the month.

There are not many stays, and they will leave the pit.

Finally, leaving only a prison that can't be seen by others.

"Wang? What should I do next?" White did not always ask.

Xiu dust looked up and saw the eyes, and he had gradually exposed the original sky color, and the sun refined.


When I turned around, I asked: "Then that black ..."

"The big guy is not slight! Hahaha! Xiaoye took his hand to the bottom of the ground." Prison suddenly did not know where to drill it.

The prison took a small tail, the cool face revealed a smile: "Yes! Wang doesn't remember the next thing?"

Xiao Zheng is too smile. It was originally a small face of the meat, and suddenly changed more soft cute, let the white impermine want to reach out, he is indeed doing this.


"To die! Do you dare to face the face?" Prison is as you stun.

"Who makes you so cute?" Bai impermanently wanted to stick out the claws.

However, prison directly flashed behind the dust, it is very disappointing: "Little master knows you, who let Xiaoye are born with beauty?

This guy! Is the natural beauty? Lotty guy!

When the corner of the white, there is a little unnatural, secretly looks at the dust, but fortunately there is no different.

Transfer the topic immediately: "Can you use the person directly to ?"


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