Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Those who have collapsed buildings, but fortunately only some uninhabited buildings, most of them are some street shops.

But the people who are too large, people living around are still unspeakable.

There are rooms on the room, and some people start getting up and want to see what happens.

The monster can't help but feel it, "The two have a relationship with the murderer? Why is it inexplicable?"

Longfei night after looking at the explosion, it was locked in the routine. "These two are just chess, using, some people are deliberately arranged."

"It's not self-explosion, it is poisoned by people." Feng dance coldly.

"Drop the poison?" Several at the same time and surprised him.

The phoenix dance is light, waving, invisible protective screen, and suddenly a stench is coming.

The people can't help but hide the nose, " ... What monster?"

"The body of the body is rotten, just two have poisoned in advance, I am afraid they don't know that I have been poisoned." Feng dance coldly.

Cold and thinking, look at the night, "I don't know how Long Shao Lord, how did you definitely lose?"

This problem is also what others want to know. After all, the tone of Long Fei Night just talks is quite certain.

"Although they are suspicious, how do you know that they are not coming from the garden?" The moon asked immediately.

Several other days, I will look at Longfei Night, and the corner of the red art is very happy: "Night brother is so smart."

Being red, Longfei night can't help but floating, the smile on the face could not cover up: "It is actually very simple, knowing that Xiangchao can stand out in Mo Cheng Zhonglou, except for their girls, still It is very important to ... "

When the cold is suddenly reacted, "I know, is 'fragrant'!"

"Yes, it is fragrant, knowing the girl in Xiangxiangyuan, there is a unique fragrance on each body, not strong, fragrant, different, different from the general woman's body," Longfei night said The head is the way, and a few listened.

Just, I laughed when I was suddenly said: "This incense is indeed known as the unique aroma of the girl, but the son has not heard of it. These girls have so many different things, it seems that the dragon The young master understands the extent to the girls of all major green buildings, and it really makes me admire. "

Red art brow micro-: "Night brother, you ..."

Longfei Night Titon hour, when I got cold, I was toned to pull it up: "Xiayi, no things, he speaks! What is this? This is the main master. I don't know if the woman in the Qingtou. "

Is this guy deliberate?

The phoenix dance has a few arguments that agree with the cold, but this is a red art, so deliberately talking, this is not happy.

Cold is not good, the corner is still smiling.

"Xiaoyi, don't listen to him, say happiness!" Longfei night carefully wing, very worried about red art to him.

Red art is sigh, "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" " after."

This is also a mess that I touched the Longfei Night. I can't use the red art. I can't use words in words. I am deeply staring and staring.

"I have an accident! I am not good!"

Longfei Night has just made a good emotion, and he suddenly came from the other side.


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