Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! After the red art, the excited emotions recovered reason, looked at the black robe in the sky, and there was a doubt in the eye.

When I was ready to talk, I saw that I was cold, and I would say.

The cold looks at the above battle, and it is more surprised by the color. "This person is not generally powerful, and the three friends of the Long Yilong will also take a long time."

Longfei night is very shocked. If this black man is not lifted because of the ban on the sea, he is opposite, I am afraid that there may be a killing level, although it is not necessarily to be robbed, but it is also enough to explain The opponent's powerful.

I haven't waited back to Long Fei Night's reply, and I said, "If, he is the murderer of Mohiri Killing case, I am afraid it is not surprising."

Bombing ... !

The oversight of the sky is still ongoing, and several hits do not divide them.

The attack of the phoenix dance is actually a certain limit. The next convenience is a noisy block. If it is too strong attack, it will not help but cause serious damage to the lower side, and some people will be implicated.

There is also an important point. Their ontology is Warcraft, and the strength can only be better able to play after restoring the body, and the maintenance of people cannot get the best.

"Damn! This is not, not only our spiritual waste, but also misunderstood the following people." Huang Mu also aware of this, I originally thought that they were together, it was easy to deal with this man.

But I didn't expect that the other party is not a general holy.

! ! The moon is shocked, and the spiritual power is quickly waved, and it will fly a foot to each other.

A black ring of a man's finger flashed, and a defensive barrier in an instant stopped all attacks.

Feng Dance He read this thing, screaming in doubts: "How come this thing?"

Qingmu saw the opponent's strong defense, the completion of the face, the palm of the condensed spiritual power, followed by waving: "Land ..."

"No! Below is the house living in the people, can't use those skills!" Feng Dance immediately stopped him.

The green wood is depressed, "What should I do if this is not? Is it like this? The defense law in his hand is not afraid of our attacks!"

"How is it caused by him?" Feng dance looked at the black man fighting with the moon.

The elderly tone is slowly said: "I will introduce my own in the city, and I will kill him directly! Outside people will not know our identity!"

Qingmu immediately nodded, "Good! Just like this!" The words were buddy, "the old unscrupulous guy, you have the ability to go to the city outside the city, do you dare?"

The black ring in the black man is also flashing, and a defense barrier stops another attack on the moon, and the dark scorpion looks opposite.

"Oh ... You shouldn't be worried about those waste injuries, so I want to change the place?"

Feng dance is cold and laughing: "Say those people are waste, what is your good thing in the future? It is an old unstead of guys. One sentence, dare not dare?"

The black man is full of cold, "Why not ..." The words just need to say, but did not say, only a pair of eyes, but it is shocked at the opposite side.

Feng Dance is watching him with a few months, what is going on this person? Why don't you talk?

"Hey? Do you talk? You won't be afraid?" The moon is not over.


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