Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Dragon Eagle walked behind: "Don't see how you know the true and false?"

Longhua quickly chased and asked: "Listening to the second brother does not believe in him dead?"

"You have never heard of, there is a saying, called the eyes, the ear is empty." Dragon Eagle faint.

"However, this is Mo Yi personally communicated." Long Qing also chased it from behind and said.

"Should he have a kid to knew your grandchildren?"

Dragon Eagle floated a smile: "Is it, we went to see it."

The Dragon's spacecraft has been waiting on a sideway, and the Longsi has long been sitting, ready to start.

The three behind it, it is late.

On a spaceship, Dilongaki's eyes looked down at his eyes, did not say anything.

Long Tian proudly side by the author Moyou, the pear flower that has already been cryked, and there is no time to pay for it.

Long Qing, busy: "When you come, you will sit well, don't grind."

Dragon Eagle respectd the Dragoni Dragoni, "the old ancestors." When walking later.

The spacecraft began to start, slowly lifted, flew in the direction of Mojia.

On the square, it is the son of the Dragon's entire family.

Due to the pure dragon family, the blood of the phoenix is ​​also passed, and it is only a pulse, and it has only been pregnant.

Strip is constantly growing, but the system is always only one per generation.

"Demon? What do you see?"

The dragon disciple specializes in practicing Xu Wei's drill field, and a girl tapped his shoulders next to you.

The dragon demon will go back, a huge face, showing a shallow smile: "Nothing."

Longyan immediately took his mouth: "Do you still say something? I have seen it, are you watching Longjia's spaceship?"

"I didn't expect that even a rare spacecraft was moving. You said ... What happened?"

Dragon demon really shook his head, "I don't know, what may I be important ..."

Suddenly two young men ran, one of them: "The demon, your people have an accident!"

Long Yan can't help but call, "What?"

The dragon demon is slightly changed, but it is still calm. "Don't say, I have no one with the little master, you can not be zed to pass. If you are known by the lady, you can't eat it."

"I didn't say, what I said is true, you still don't know? The Dragon's house owner has been chaotic, and the owner is just walking with the old ancestors!" Dragon West said that he said, let Two less believedly.

Next to Longdong nodded, a very sure tone: "This is true, we have just passed the main house, seeing the old ancestors and the owner also brought a bunch of long and old hurried leave, so curious, just I know the guards you know over there. "

"Then I know, it turned out to be a young master ... I have something wrong."

Dragon demon brow is lightly screwed, asked directly: "What do you know?"

"Well ... it seems that it is a little master ... he ..." Longdong has some time, it seems difficult to repay.

Longyan listened to the anxious, I immediately said: "Okay, don't say, Dragon West you said."

Longxi is also a bit hesitating, seeing the dram demon, you can't help but dodge, "Lord of the Lord ... He is dead ... death ..."

"What? It's impossible!" Dragon demon grabbed the Longxi's collar, excited: "Are you not listening wrong?"


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