After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 212, forgetting, I am thinking!

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "No ... No, five elders ... how can you kill us?" Yao Yanjing suddenly horrified, constantly shaking his head, the fear of the heart spread instantly.

Forgot to look at Hu Li, the voice is slightly cold: "It seems that the five elders want to kill people?"

"They know too much, naturally can't stay." Hu Li is very common. "

"What do you mean?"

Forgot to say, the sword in your hand turned lightly, showing a ridicule.

Hu Li looked at his scorpion again and again, and Wu Siyuan said: "His situation is not right?"

Forgot to listen to the mouth of the mouth, the smirkey is clear.

Wu Siyuan was a little panic, she felt that she was very strange to see her eyes, and did not have the gentleness of the medicine before.

I immediately stepped forward to forget the worry, said: "Forgetting, I am thinking! How can you ... How can you have rude to Master?"

Forgot to be cold: "Stand, don't be too close to me, my smell of smell of you."

If such a tone refuses, let Wu Xiyuan have been in an instant to the idea of ​​forgetting.

"How can you be like this? Do you like me?"

Forgetting the worry, I suddenly turned away, and I showed a disgusted: "Shut up, you said this, let me feel disgusting."

Sun Jiajia is completely disappointed with Wusiyuan. Yao Yanjing looked at Wusiyuan to say this, and his heart was more despised.

Wusiyuan suddenly was shocked, and the eyes were full of increders.

There are two men who stand on the other side and look at it. What is this?

"Forgetting worry, you are not like this to me before, you still have to have a good one, you can't make a sense of goodness to me, do you just open it?" Wusi is very unwilling.

why? He before, he clearly heard the meter, clearly, and now how will it be different now?

"Are you very strange? Are you thinking, I change you to Baishun, take you as a Medicine treasure? Oh ... Do you think it is too simple? Just your poison, I It took a long time, it will be automatically solved. "Forgetting the despise of the eyes."

Yao Yanjing was shocked at the same time, Yao Xi Jing said: "It turned out that when you forgot the worry, you suddenly change the attitude, is your medicine to him? How do you don't want your face!"

Wu Siyuan was very shocked, but his face was still sad: "No, not, forgetting worry, I don't have to poison you. Really ..."

I have forgotten her unspeakable she, "don't play."

Wu Siyuan looked down and looked at him. It was even more sad, slightly bright, and the corner was even more tweed with tears.

However, forgotting is still moving to her, or that is like ice and mountains.

Hu Li's cold voice came from: "Since he has already admitted, I know, then there is no need to live more."

"It's not that I refuse you, you don't want to live yourself." Hu Li smiled.

When they heard what they said, the faint head of Kirin was barely woke up, and the people in front of this eyes were angry. He said: "Despicable human beings, you!"

Forgot to pick the eyebrows: "So, the five elders have come here early."

"Is there?" Hu Li slowly laughed.

"Your despicable human beings! This adult wants to kill you!" The unicorn struggled, angry to the extreme.

Hu Liyin was laughed at Kirin Road: "Is it despicable? It's just a weak meat, and your Warcraft is not the same?"

"But we will not use the means of this!"

Kirin is firming, but it can only be angry, do not do something, it wants to struggle, but it can still be sore.


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