After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2131 will be on the back of the body

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "Here is the unicorn of Kirin, you are careful, don't bore." Hu Li reminded that his heart was also cautious.

I am also a constant detection, but it is strange that I can't explore it at all, it seems to be blocked.

I took a small road and suddenly found a corrugated port.

"Master, we have to go in here?" Wu Siyuan looked at the hole.

Hu Li's darkness, "The previous vibration sounds so loudly, can pass it to the outside, indicating that it will not be too far."

"We went in here." Hu Li took the head first.

When I entered it, I found that the temperature here is normal, and there is no heat like an outer side.

Hu Li is condensed a fireball, and the cave is turned on.

Wusiyuan looked at the ground and was lying on the ground, can't help but surprised: "How do they die here?"

Feng Yi Ren saw a corpse in front and looked at the image of a fairy disciple, and walked over.

"Adult, this is the disciple of you, Song."

Hu Li looked at the eyes, first detected the cause of the killer, and then went to Song, and detected his situation. "Said," put the body back. "

Wu Siyuan didn't understand, and quickly said: "Master, what is this person died?"

"It is naturally useful." Hu Li did not look at the body of Song Yizhen and continue to walk.

Other hearts are still strange, Song Yuxiu is low, will be normally normally sent by him, but how do you die?

As he had to go out, there are few steps, the ground in the cave started, an array of figures appeared at the foot, and the position of the angle of the array appeared, and a barrier intercepted their way.

Several simultaneous glasses, Feng Yiran immediately said: "Is there a diagram here?"

"Master! What should I do?" Wusi asked immediately.

Hu Lie is dignified. He knows that it is not simple, watching the array of steps at the foot, is not a general level.

Several people trapped in it also felt that there was a pressure in the space, and there was some difficulties in breathing, and there was a smog out of the ground.

"The array is started?" Feng Yi is surprised.

It seems that there is a layer of gases from a layer of gases, and the start of the line also becomes blurred.

Several people are more short, the palpitations are powerful, and the blood vessels on the neck are bumps.

"Master ... Master ... The apprentice is so uncomfortable." Wu Siyuan can't stand it.

Feng Yi is better than her situation, but she has not persisted.

Hu Li is very bad in the heart, you must go to the break!

"You are returned." Hu Li said out a bottle.

Three people are still here, and they immediately returned.

Hu Li took out a thing on the ground, and put the things in the bottle. I have a word in the mouth, and I have been in a while, and the print is straightforward in the ground.

There is something in the ground to start to break the soil, very open, spread to the surrounding.

Three people behind him have been applied, 40,000 completely lost for a while, the forehead green rigs, the spiritual power in the hand rose.

Hu Li himself felt that he breathed a bit boring. I felt that I was wrong, and I immediately shot a barrier, and I went up toward them and I opened them.

Booming ... The ground is shaking, only thinking is that the earthquake is generally, the ground under the foot is also open.


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