Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! When Mu Rong said, he would show it, and immediately ask: "The news can be true?"

"Grandpa can be relieved, the communication is really fascinating, this news is absolutely reliable." Mu Rong said is quite affirmative.

Tight: "This treasure is also very embarrassing, no matter how, the emperor must send a troops to solve the problem, as the town of the town of Yunlong, should be the first to rush, so it is just The opportunity of Murongfu's work, washing a shame. "

Murongqian did not immediately returned, silently, and seeing tea cups on coffee table. I don't know what to write.

"Also? Are you? Do you don't want to take this opportunity? Re-pull back the position of the generals in the hearts of the people?" Mu Rong said that Murong did not say, and there was some feeling not allowed to do it.

It is prepared to open again, Murong suddenly looked up to him: "The words, you are going to prepare, grandfather will go to the palace. In addition, you will immediately send people to notify the national teacher, let him enter the palace, this If you want to take the Murongfu, you will need to help the country. "

I heard the son of the National Master, and the face of Mu said also became some subtle.

This didn't escape the eyes of Murong, I immediately asked: "What happened? What is wrong?"

Mu Rongshui is busy: "Nothing, good, Suner will let people ask for the national teacher."

Direct calls, "come, please ask the national teacher to go to the palace, saying that the city outside the devastion mountains appeared in the mountains, the old general, please ask the country to see the emperor."

"Yes! Master." A black dress left the yard.

Mu Rongxiao originally thought about his grandfather said that the national teacher and his aunt Hua Tu, and ... the national teacher wants to kill the snow, but every time I go to the mouth, I swallowed back.

He is not sure, if it is said that Murong will do, and now the Murong House does require a national teacher's help.

Murong is skeptical to see him. "You are nothing to do? Don't think that Grandpa will not see anything, the last time, the snow is not coming from the National Normal University, and I will send people to the fairy in the afternoon. What happened to this? "

Mu Rong Yan hesitated, first trial the test: "Grandpa, Suner is quite curious, the national teacher is not only waiting for the Yun Zhao, but also to our Murongfu special care. Suner is very curious, why is the Mr. Murong? Special? "

Murong immediately smiled: "There is really a special place in this."

Mu Rongshi immediately questioned, "What is the reason?"

For the eagerness in his eyes, Murong is only because of curiosity.

I immediately said: "This is not said to outsiders, but you can't know you. You may not know that your aunt and the national teacher are actually coming from a teacher."

"So they are still the same brothers and sisters?" Mu Rongshi couldn't help but surprised, see Mu Qian nodded, and immediately said: "Why never heard of this matter?"

Mu Rongqian showed a smile, immediately got it, "

When you surprised the color of the face, I just wanted to open. Murong looked at him: "You want to ask, what is this for this power?"

"Well, Sun Er is very curious, what kind of forces, even Ling Zongzong, but West Turndo has not heard." Mu said is quite curious, even excited.


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