After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Why are you still sitting on Chapter 2144?

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! When I heard Murong won, the people around him did not give him a positive response.

Some people look at those guards, then look at Murong Win, it is obvious that I don't believe it.

Murong won the stone in the stone, I met this, and I quickly took the lead: "Good! The general said it!"

After other guards, I didn't know how to cheer, but the people didn't seem to buy it, and I looked at them like a monkey.

The scene suddenly changed, Murong won the face and couldn't stand, and they directly screamed: "Both closed, organize the team! Depart from this general!"

The voice falls, and immediately raises his hand, and a huge iron rhinoceros appears.

... The armored rhinoceros berves in the ground.

Those people are surprised, "Is it a Warcraft?"

"Is this a contract beast of Murong General?"

"Iron armor beast?"

The appearance of this World of Warcraft attracted many people's exclamation, many people were curious, and they were envious.

At this time, Murong wins is really a face, even those guards are also surprised.

When the body jumped, I got the back of the armor rhinoceros, raised his hand, "Depart!"

Stone also greeted: "Depart!"

Murong wins the sadness of Warcraft, his face was proud, riding the armored rhinoceros bears away from the city, the scene, there was no way, but the momentum of the iron rhinoceros, this is more like already played The returning battle returned.

The huge iron rhinoceros stepping on the ground can make a great movement, attracting the people of all the way.

Second floor of the restaurant

Yunlong Guo's prime minister Suyuan, is working with the Huangcheng Guardian leader in using breakfast, two people listen to this movement is not excluded.

Zhang Qiyi saw that Murong won the things that she owe it, bite the pancakes in his hand, and the tone did not precaution: "If this is shocked by the German, the general, shame."

Su Yuan smiled and said: "Zhang Jong took this kind of impact? Anyway, he will not be in the morning and evening."

"Hey, you said, how can this emperor agree to let the generals? Isn't this a chance to let them?" Zhang Qin said that he was filled with a big mouth in his mouth.

Suyuan picked up a piece of Pat, did not panic, wiped his mouth, and then said: "Do you think, is our Prince smart?"

Zhang Qinton, looking at him, can not help but laugh: "Do you say this is not nonsense? Our Prince is not smart, who is smart?"

"Since the Prince is smart, the prince's relative is still a big country's emperor, it can sit in the present, nature is not stupid." Suyuan said again to look down again, looking at the back of the gradually farther Murong win Hook a smile that is unknown.

Seeing him, Zhang Qi is busy asking: "Su Yuxiang can do what is going to do in the emperor?"

A faint glance glanced, Suyuan mysterious smiled: "You guess?"

"You are saying it!"

The other party urged, there is no patience, Suyuan gets close to his ear, whispered a few words.

I saw Zhang Qin's eyes suddenly loud, and suddenly laughed: "It turned out that you have already received the emperor's communication, this tongue said, how can there be no matter in this time! However, this prince knows Yet?"

Suyuan slowly said: "Naturally, I know." When I got up, I still sat Zhang Qina, "I still have to be prepared? Do you want to prepare? Do you want to be the same as those who have just been Murongfu? Share? "

Zhang Qi is getting up, "Of course, the people under their hands are all elites, and they will be general!"

The two said that they left the inn.


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