Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Dragon ride is busy. "" Feng Gong, please don't see it. Just when they are all children. "

The month is not mind, and it is used to it anyway.

Yun Hao is light glance, and the tone is in the light: "Feng Xian brother is really a welcome."

"Take each other." Monthly replied.

"There is also a very modest." Yan Xiu also plus the sentence.

However, I immediately received a peer to abandon your eyes.

Then the woman's exclaimed woman, "Less Lord ... Less Lord is really gone ..."

Some people are still not willing to believe, they can't help but say: "This is not true, the Lord! How can he really suddenly ..."

The Dragon's home finally became a pulse, and the people of Longfei night were also recognized.

The two two of Aga squatted from the black gold, and the position passed through the way is almost crying.

"Less Lord ... How can I leave so early, he is so good ..." A dragon's woman lost, sad, the feelings were crying.

When the Dragon's person knows the news of Dragon Fei Night death, it is actually not trustworthy, and even if he deliberately opened a joke.

Dragon demon stands in front of the crowd, see that there are tears in the black golden plumben, covering his mouth and don't let yourself cry.

Next to him, he stood in the Dragon Tour, the mouth is faint to hook, soon, it will go, the expression is sorry.

Seeing Long Tian arrived with Mo Siro, so quickly, a little bit of a little: "Master, Johor ..."

There are still a few people who are not behind, they are struggling to come up.

"Master, lady, you can sorrow ..."

"People can't reheal, you must take care."


A group of people surrounded, and the seven mouths said.

Long Tian proudly held Mo Soft, and it was still very sad, but he took Mo Fu all the way.

The dragon is coming over, "You are not surrounded, there is something to say, let's talk ..."

Several elders are always walking together, but Dragon Qing and Longhua walking posture are still particularly quite special.

In the Hostel of the Dragon, there are some people who have no seats that can only stand in the lobby.

I didn't go in the outside. At this moment, I was sneak in a corner. "Do we haven't sure it?" Lu Ziyan asked.

Moi directly replied: "That is a dragon's thing, we are all outsiders, what?"

"Many months will leave with the master, don't you be in it?" Lu Ziyao said again, she is actually curious.

Mo Wei immediately said: "That is the month from them, anyway, we are waiting outside."

I looked at the strangery four, and I showed a confusion in my eyes: "Do you have seen Yu Chengguang?"

Lu Ziyan shook his head with Mo Wei, and he replied directly: "What to do with him? He is not familiar with him."

"Don't you feel strange?" Monu looked at him.

Two people replied at the same time: "Don't think."

Mo Yu is no longer more, anyway, he always feel that this person has a problem, once again, still, still there is no shadow.

In the hall, black golden sneakers are placed in the middle, surrounded by death. No one speaking, no one is whispering.

Yogaki's unassum, slowly opened, "Everyone saw it, then I don't say much."

"Night ... he is really gone ... ..."

Long Yilian is so comfortable: "Old ancestors, you mourn ... Less Spring, you must not want you so much."


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