Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! And she still has a strange place. Today, Longfei night is gone, and the Mo Qian Miss, who is not weddame, is not like this, but is such a strange girl?

There are still other people who have the same idea, just to ignore this because of the death of Dragon and night.

The leader of the Fourth pulse, and Long Xi immediately asked: "I don't know if the girl's identity is?"

Red artistic eye is on the other side, directly replied: "This Miss Mo family is the only big lady, Mohongyi, is also the unmarried wife of your Longjia Lord, Longfei Night."

Shenglong family is surprised by a surprised, "No? She is the older wife?"

A young girl suddenly didn't understand: "The older's fiancee is not a Mo Qiang's big lady Mo Yanxin? How did she say that she is the only big lady? And it turns into a young man?"

Dragon demon surprised to open his eyes, looked at the red art, "the young master's unmarried wife?"

The Dragon Stringent star can also not help but unexpectedly, the red art, and read the few people who watched Mojia, it seems that there is no opposition. What is this happening?

Dragon Eagle turned to the dragon's person explained: "Indeed, this red art is really a unmarried wife, and is also a real Mojia Miss, and the previous Mo Yan is just a fake."

The moon is moving, and the dragon eagle will take the initiative to explain?

"What? Previous Mo Yanxin is fake?"

"I didn't expect that some people felt the unmarried wife of the Lord? It is too bad!"

"Just! Fortunately, the young master didn't marry her."

This is the time topic to the red art. Long Tian said, cough, immediately: "Xiaoyi, you step back."

"No!" Hongyi is an angry and angry, and there is also a kind of fire.

The moon is then the sound: "Miss Hong Art, you should be tired? Is it better to sit down, first listen to the dragon master?"

The red art has also wanted to refuse, but it is done with the eyes of the moon, and suddenly lows. "The wind is said."

Everyone can't help but surprised, what is going on?

Dragon demon looks at them two interactions, can't help but go, and come quickly.

Long Tian said to the people of the dragon, slowly said: "This owner knows that there are many people who want to re-select a small master, and some people know that they want to be a little master."

In this way, some people immediately swayed: "No, the owner we don't."

"Right, we really don't have this idea."

Long Xi is immediately, "I Long Xisheng is only willing to fly the night, even if the young master is not there, will be only loyal to the owner!"

"To! We only follow the night portrait, loyal to the owner!" The youth next to the same age also said.

They let the Dragon's one of the other parahersies in other plains are very disdainful.

The Dragon Stringent Dragmia is a blind, and the dragon eagle swept away the few people, and the expression on his face was not happy.

Long Tian said a few words representing Longxi, and it took a little bit, once again: "Since the two elders have put forward the problem about the choice of the young master, and in order to capture the murderer of the poison, then, this The owner is not agreeable. Just ... "

"Just what?" Longyin Lin immediately asked.

Long Tian proud once again despised in his heart, so urgent?

Immediately: "You should know that the day after tomorrow is the three-year-old Zongmen than the trial."


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