After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2196 Sorry, I have only a cousin

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "Well." The month is generous.

"What do you do here?" Suddenly came out from the outside.

Then I listened to one person to say: "The light is only strollwrough, and I don't want to meet you here."

"Is Yu Chenguang?" Hongyi has some accidents.

The moon is away from the eyes, and it is light: "What did he do?"

Yun Hao swept the ground on the ground, taking the fingers in the ground, there is a hole in the ground, and those things are not in the hole, and the ground is restored again.

Lu Ziyi can't help but say: "The dust-free brother is so powerful!"

Mo Wei said: "Okay, don't boast again, the brothers are the most powerful!"

The hospital is set up, and the dust removing the rinse, and the door is also open.

Several people came out, from the main chamber, I saw Yu Chengguang outside, just outside the house.

"You are all here! It's great. I just thought about how you didn't see you!" Yu Chengguang saw a few people appeared in the yard, suddenly showed a smile, a pair of bed.

It is also directly incompetently blocked.

Everyone looked at him, and the first said: "Where did you go? We didn't see you!"

Yu Chengshi smiled and said: "I just came here, I saw the environment for the environment, and the people of the dragon talking about it, I didn't think about it. I was not waiting for it. I went around."

"How? How many times have you found me?"

Mu Yao took back: "Yu Jioni just didn't, we thought that Yu brother went to, and some worried that you lost, afraid that you didn't come back, so care a few words."

Yu Chengzhi smiled and said, thank you, and said: "The people who have just said that tomorrow will hold funerals in the morning. I still want to find too good words, just passing this place, I saw this The son is here, I think you should be, I didn't expect it. "

Month from each of them, they did not move the gum of Yu Chenguang, and did not open directly.

"How? How many people are ... Is there any opinion on the glory? If you are guilty, please say it straight, become a light horse apologize." Yu Chengguang said again.

Yun Yuyu said calmly: "There is no, Yu Gongzi wants to say?"

Yu Chengguang couldn't help but stunned, but immediately got it down.

"Then you can go, we have to rest." Yun Wei is very simply.

Yu Chengguang once again stunned, completely did not expect the other party to be so direct as the next customer!

Staring at Yun Wei, I will look at the moon next to it, and I will live in the moon, "I have no misunderstanding for me?"

"It's not familiar, how is it?" Yun said faintly.

Yu Chenghong stories, and also for the Hongyi Road: "Xiayi, what do you have to have a cousin ..."

"Sorry, I only have a cousin, that is the night brother." The voice of the red art, interrupted his words.

This makes Yu Chengguang again and silence, and then nodded. "Well, I don't want to welcome me, then I will no longer bother a few, say a little." I lost a little lost. .

When he walked out, it didn't often have it: "Prison, why do you still stand? Still not keep up?"

"You don't say that this guy is really like that, I feel that we are bullied together." Mo Wei opened.


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