After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2199 Cleantic is a broken sleeve

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "You don't have to think about this," Dragon Eagle didn't want to answer it directly.

This makes the Dragon String star are not unknown. "What is the grandfather?"

Longyin Lin also sighs, "Then, the moon is more than dust-free, and the world is not here."

Dragon Eagle also regrets: "Yunyang live people have already been a god-level strong, how can his apprentices will restrict in the West Turndo. You still think about how to solve the , wait for you to sit on the Lord, you can dragon. Less Lord, before going forward to Lei Lu Ziyue. "

Dragon String star suddenly be self-confident: "Grandpa, how can you think? Woman is born is sensible, just let them fall in love with men, even if they let them die for their beloved men."

"What's more is to help your own people, seek better future?"

"So, do you want to let you go to you?" Long Eye asked.

Dragon Strings is confident, "it is."

Dragon Toy Lin and Dragon Eagle feel that this is a possibility, but it is not good to blow him with his confidence.

"String star, everything is not confident, especially men and women love, you don't know this month, how do you know her will be able to move to you." Longyin Lin reminded.

The Dragon Sinix Star once again smiled: "Grandpa, you can rest assured, wait until the trial, Suner has a self-study, as long as the loss is good, then we will have another eye to see the problem with our dragon. "

Longyin Lin said to him or not very confident. "Ling Zong's moon, there is a talent than dust-free, and, with her talent with today's identity, it will be more than men. I am afraid it is also a dust-free watery building first.

"Hey, how do you don't understand? Clean? If you are interested in the woman, I have already been moving to Lu Ziyue. I have heard that there is a dusty."

The Dragon Strings said that this suddenly paused.

Dragon Eagle and Longyin Lin also odorable, Longyin Lin asked: "What did you say? Dlever?"

"Clean is a broken sleeve." The Dragon Strings slowly opened.

The other two in the house also shocked at the same time, "What?"

The Dragon Stringent star is serious, "this thing is really true, in fact, there are some people in the Zongmen who know, dust-free is not near the woman, and never have a close contact to the woman, and some people Seeing him directly to the woman directly, put the good-looking women, just bombarded her slightly. "

Longying brow can not help but come, "Where did you listen?"

"Nature is from Lingzong, and dust is more close to men, even a few men in the place where the dust is living in Lingzong, I heard that he is walking with Ling Zongzong's two disciples The most close, and some people have seen him with one of them, called the unhealthy tickle. "The Dragon Strings said that a letter is known.

Dragon Eagle has been shocked by Longyan Lin has been shocked, and the two are late.

The Dragon Stringent Star is called again, "Grandpa, you don't believe? This is very little people, after all, is the old ancestors of Lingzong, the people outside, do not dare to mess, so don't know how people know "

Dragon Ec came to God, said: "No, not do not believe, just some accidents, good, if you try to get close to the month, but if you don't do anything else, still, wait When you successfully take the position of the young master, I will want Lu Ziyue to pursue! "


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