After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2203, then fulfill you

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! "I don't know, but, I can sure that the other party knows our identity. Since I know that I dare to shoot my hand, explain that the forces of the other party are not general." Lu Yan said.

"I looked at the killer strength, I still go out to help!"

According to the purple, the purple was followed, and the purple was followed. Lu Ziyue just thought of it, it was pulled by the purple.

Lu Yan straight: "You are not their opponents, protect your mother."

Bomb! ! The original calm boulevard is just a while, and the pit is pulled, and there is a corpse horizontal.

Purple no trace flashed open an attack, condensed spiritual energy in his hand, taking out at any time, slamming, another person fell.

... I saw a stream of light, and a group of people standing, I haven't worried, and the attack has arrived before, ...

A loud noise, a few residual limbs were dropped throughout, and the original place had a corpse to the ground.

There is also a lot of people who haven't come, and they have already been slammed by Lu Yan, and the blood is slowly out of the blood. It is widened to watch Lu Yan in front of him.

"How?" Lu Yan was cold and looked at the opponent, and his hand hit the neck of each other. "Who sent you?"

The other party is hard and reliability: "Kill me!"

Lu Yan is aggravated by gravity, "Okay."

The man suddenly rose, he only heard the sound of the bone twisting.

Lu Yansong opened his hand, the body was instantly in an instant, and once again tombled a silver mood again.

Try again to see others, the killer will leave the lead with three.

Lu Yan hands have printed, surrounded by air, and several people feel that the temperature is somewhat cold.

In the next second, the air like a ice crystal, and the three of the killers were blooming in an instant.

"You returned." Lu Yan said.

Leaders looked at it, and the fire in his hand, waved his hands.


His fire spirit did not help anything, but the collision of the spirituality element exploded, and his three hand did not find the body.

The killer's head looked at the end of the rock, and she took out a white jade card in his hand.

Lu Yan saw this, then shouted.



The killer fell to the place, and the hand of jade has dropped.

The jade card on the ground raised his hand in the earth, and it was in his hand, and smiled.

The killer did not speak, just got a few of them.

Lu Yan stepped into him step by step, and then there was no trace of purple: "The few hids have been seen for a long time, and they should appear."

They know what they mean, and several disappears will rush to several directions.

Lu Yan is gave up to the killing, "Who sent you?"

The killer is brid old, deviating: "If you want to kill, let's let?"

"Say, give you a living road, don't say, just dead." Lu Yan voice also cooled.

The other party is not afraid, "" To kill it. "

"Good." Lu Yan has a small bottle in hand, poured out a black pill.

"Since you want to die, then you will be all you." The words are plugged directly into the other side.

The man is too late to find that after the entrance, the throat is a fire. Spicy feelings, until the pill falls into the stomach, it is also a hot feeling.


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