After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2207 is not enough to defeat!

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Regarding the death of the leader of the dragon, all parties forces are also the news of the land, and the bad people have also begun to consider the opportunity to take advantage of this opportunity, visit the Dragon, which is a good opportunity for a thousand years.

This is still the idea of ​​thinking, such as: three major countries, or major gates and other forces.


Several people in the house seem to be business, where the old people sitting in the upper position although the hair is white, the face is covered, but a pair of savvy is still a bit persistent.

At this time, I was looking at the people standing in front. The expression took a clear dissatisfaction. This person is Zhou Jia, the old family of Yunlong, is also the former Taiwanese, and the father of Li, Zhou An.

The opposite is the three emperors, the clouds.

Yunxiao is reluctant at this moment: "Migong, you didn't make a mistake? Do you want me to give Longfei night to funeral? I am the escles of the first big country, give him a family grandfather to sacrifice. do not go."


Zhou An took the table and drove: "Billing things! What do you know?"

This makes the clouds can't control the shake, and I am busy: "You have lost your body, take care of your body."

On the other side, Yunlong Guo is currently the Taishi Li Xian, and also advised: "En-teacher also invited anger, thousands of weights are."

Zhou An looked at him helpless. Some hate iron did not say steel: "It's really that this child is too unrestrained." After it turns to turn to the cloud, "If you have Yun Yu, you are smart, I will Another feeling, but you look at yourself! "

"The grandfather is poor, Suner does not feel that he is poor than him, the cultivation of the talent, I know that myself is not as good as him, can I won, I am not more than him?"

Yunxiao said that he could not help but self-trip: "You think he is smart, but he is not almost dead in my hand? He is in the elite in his hoe, it will not die in my hand, I will be better than him? "

Zhou An did not praise him, and immediately poured the cold water, "It can be done to die! Not only don't die, it is still big, but it is not only repaired, but even his cold poison is all, all this Is it because who? Not because of you? "

When I said that I was almost I want to do it, my right finger fingers biting his teeth, and finally I endure.

The clouds who are so reprimand can only cry, and they will say that "Suner knows how hard is you? This can't I blame me?"

"Don't blame you? Who is it? It is not enough to defeat!" Zhou Shan is not polite directly.

And the clouds can only be lowered, and they have a bitter.

Li Xian is busy again: "Okay, you still eliminate the gas, so that you have a lot of liver fire. The three emperors have grown up, some things still know how to do."

Zhou Tian glared in the clouds and replied to him: "You always maintain him, this is not good for him, this stinky boy is too busy."

Li Xian is not urgent and unusually said: "En-teacher listened to me first."

"The three emperors have not experienced too much hardship. How can I have a prince's experience? After all, the Prince has experienced some wind waves from a small, and the natural heart is stronger than the three emperors."

Yunxiao listened, immediately told: "Yes, my grandfather heard it? I just is simple."

Zhou An Run: "You are stupid!"

"............" Yunxiao time stories.


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