After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2216, the undead of the night

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Several other people also picked up the cup, but many of Mo family, they have low mood, where is there?

Mo Yi looked at the Eye Dragoni, the opening: "Long Ge, I really don't appear, you are slow, I will go back to rest first ..."

Looking at Mo Yi got up, Mo Jingshan also got up, "The late generation will come back with his father." Then, the Long Tian, ​​who is next to the head, turned to the position, and support Mo Yi left the position.

Red art is not at ease, and immediately get up and sorry: "The old ancestors, the red art is not relieved, my grandfather, sorry, the red art also lost."

Dowasaki did not retain, told it, "Go!"

Yu Chengguang took the heart to care about: "Red Art Girl, I will go with you!"

"No." The red art directly returned him and turned to leave.

Yu Chengguang stopped, revealing helpless expression, and then sat back.

Long Tian said he looked at him and turned back to his sight.

Mo Mo is also wanting to go, but as a master of the Dragon's home, there is also a guest at this moment, and it is not surpassed to continue to sit.

Dragoni has not been affected, or continue to be a few ways to the month: "Everyone, the old man did the best."

The moon also returned to the eyes of the outside, pick up the wine glass.

Longtian proud face is sad, some is sad: "I didn't expect it, and I will have such a ..."

The degree of sorrow of Dragoni is not less than him, and the two will also grab the wine glass and drill into the mouth.

Yun Hao said: "Flying Night, this is hunger, the reason is still to deal with the dragon home, the other party dare to get back to the night, I will have to set up the dragon home, not Tu Lei, it is Hope 2 The senior can be sorrowful, find out the true fierce as soon as possible, to appease the night's undead. "

"Dragon Grandpa, Dragon, Longde, please listen to the white, the Sist is passed, the sadness is inevitable, but this will only make the parents hurt, the enemy is fast. We have to do it for flight night Revenge, please also ask the three festivals. "The monthly-ink thoughtful persuasion.

Mo Lu is angry: "Yes, I want to revenge at night! I can't let the night are so dead unclear."

Long Tian is proudly grabbed her hand, firmly said: "The lady is rest assured! For the husband, I will find the murderer, revenge for the night."

"Dare to kill the grandson of Muronaki, I will definitely smash the corpse!" Dilongaki failed, the wine glass in his hand was also a powder.

Long Yuchang: "The old ancestors have disappeared, and now they are not avengeous, everything is still planning. At this moment, there are also guests!"

Dragoni looked at them from them, and suddenly said: "Sorry, I have swept the Yaxing."

"Wonderful, we can understand." Moon left, suddenly eyesight position to the door, just have a corner, disappeared.

Turning to the cloud, the two eyes collide with each other.

Long Tian proudly didn't know how to sweep the door and recovered the line of sight, and scratched darkness.

Yu Chengguang also picked up the wine glasses, Dilongaki and Long Tian proud them three: "Cheng Guang felt sadly, I didn't know what to comfort, this glass of wine, please Skill. "

Longtian proudly nodded, the sound slowly said: "Careful."

Lu Ziyan two is always silently eating, so suppression atmosphere, I don't know what to say, I can only talk quietly.

If you don't want to talk, you will not intend to say something.

I thought that I will continue until the end, but some people have provoked topics.

Yu Chengguang is sorry, and some are curious to see the moon, and some are careful and asked: "Helong Gong, I heard that your contract beast is a beast, is this true?"


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