Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! However, like this, comparative Murongfishue, seems to be a person who knows more hidden.

Even if it is a little name that is devalued by Yun Zhao, but did not speak.

Yun Zhan is busy: "The emperor is not that means, but there is some accidents to you, there is nothing else, and the three emperors may not misunderstand."

"Okay, you have to say, wait here to solve it again!" Yunxiao pushed the topic to the moon.

Long Tian proud also looked at the moon again, "Feng Gong, please continue."

I don't know what the month will tell you, seeing her approaching himself, standing in front of him, the distance is only one step.

When the night wind suddenly frowed: "What do you want to do?"

The moon is late: "What to do? Of course, I will help you see a doctor."

The face of the night wind suddenly was black, "What do you mean? Do you dare to marry me?"

Nighting is also a bit unsubalypted, I am very polite with the moon, saying: "Don't know why?"

The month is also approaching, watching the night wind, I can't help but laugh: "Yes, he is not normal."

"Moon White! What are you talking? How can I not normal? It's ridiculous!" The night wind does not believe, how can I have problems.

"Don't believe it." Moon ink said.

Who is the month? He is a famous god doctor in the mainland, even if you don't believe in the moon, the month is different.

Nightcast is surprised to look at the moon white, "Moon God doctor said, but this matter can be greatly affected."

"When you have seen this god doctor, when you have a joke, do you have sick?" Moon White is quiet.

The night will be shocked again, immediately see the night wind, some worry: "The emperor ..."

Others also weird, "No wonder that this Xuan Tianzhi's big emperor, smashing people, do not put, hard to say is a woman, is it originally abnormal?"

"It's really possible, after all, monthly doctor is not a joke for this kind of thing."

Some of the night winds have been somewhat determined. I looked at the month, and I looked at the moon. "You said you will see? How to see? How do I determine that the emperor really has a problem?"

He has no expression of no expression, did not return him, which makes the night's heart can't help but want to get angry.

I just want to talk, the moon is open, "What is eager? So can't stand, how to do the emperor?"

Night Wind Donkey, "You!"

"Okay, you reach a hand." The month has a cup in his hand, and there is a dagger.

Looking at the night wind, I can't help but look at her this is a bloodlette? I didn't reach out for a while.

The moon has rumored: "How do you grind, just let you put it some blood, a big man even is afraid?"

"Do you want to hurt me?" The night wind suddenly bled out.

The month is more doubtful. His spirit is some problem, such a situation seems to have some images after the corpse of the corpse, but it is not so serious.

"This son is like this, you are afraid that it is not standing at the moment, but lying!" The moon is separated, she is going to kill him, but not now ...

Now if it is killing the night, it is definitely inappropriate, and there is still two troubles that fairy and Xuantiao have to rule out.

After the month, I didn't help but hung in the night. I watched the other side of the knife.

Nighting can't help but advise: "The royal brother hurrys out! Time is not much, so many people are looking at it, and the wind cadre does not dare to do what you do."

He said, his heart is once again, and his brother spirit may be true.


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