After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2246, the last saying

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! Dragon Eagle recovered the line of sight, whispering: "There is now the mother and a woman standing with the dust-free middle, you can know when they enter the dragon, why?"

Looking at the line of sight, Longhua can't help but feel the doubt: "This person is very eye, has not seen it."

Dragon Eagle did not speak again, but only looked at the face, and it seems to be thought.

"Otherwise, I will treat it in general?" Longhua opened.

Dragon Eagle is back to: "Nothing, just come to the master."

Everyone left a group of people. Everyone was held, and each look was sad, and worship Qi Qi.

The red art next to the coffin and the dragon demon, squatted, burn, bulld, tears.

There are also a few dedicated , ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,

Responsible for picking up the burn of the bun, I took a month from the fragrance from them.

Long Qing loudly: "A few, you have something to say to the young master, please say."

Lu Yan's eyes are somewhat sad, and low spirits slowly: "If you are still late, you can't see you last. I hope that you can re-do people, try well, so it's more "

At this point, several of the peaks of the huto have almost forgot to cry, and they will be crying immediately.

Dilongaki face is slightly unnatural, but did not say anything.

Mo said that it is quite unexpectedly and even stopped sadness and looked at Lu Yan.

Mo Yi suddenly was unhappy, and it was a hard thing. "How can you talk so? How can you talk so? Night people have left you, you still have him?"

Lagasaki listened to the persuasion: "Brother! Don't be angry, this is the way of speaking between people friends, although not still good, but use still hope to fly night."

Mojing Mountain is also worried that he is suffering from the body and immediately appeases: "Hey, you are worried about the body."

Lu Yan looked at Mo Yi, just sigh, said: "The old man, the festival mourning."

The moon is trying to keep serious, but there is no expression, but the Lu Ziyi is still low, and the mouth is tuned.

As far as the Zi Ruoqing standing around Lu Yan, I couldn't help but secretly disappointing Lu Yan.

Longtian proudly crossed his sleep, pretending to cough.

It is also a variety of expressions on others, and only his own is as calm.

Zi Ruo Qing followed the sound: "Child, go."

Yun Yun said that the cold voice said: "Safe! Other hand give us."

The dust is tightly followed: "Well."

Waiting for it ... Nothing?


Many people have admired the dust in the dust, and the temple of the temple has always 'unfortunately the gold'. It is really a name.

Dragon Eagle looked a few, and the darkness was dark.

The moon also said: "Flying Night, on Huangquan Road, the road to the local government can go slow, we will come to people to accompany you."

He listened this, it seemed to find someone to accompany?

The foreign guests have heard that Longfei night was killed by the murder of Moh City, and she was not killed by the night, who is still looking for?

Many people feel strange.

Dragon Eagle is light, "" This can be difficult. "

Longhua low returned: "Who is not? Now there is no need, don't say it is fast, you can find it is a problem."

Just after the moon, the turn is white, I saw the heart of the chest, it is sad, my eyes are still in the tear: "Flying night! Flying night! My good brother ... How do you walk like this? ... we say that it is good to practice, learn together, and kiss your friends! "

"But ..." Moonlight is sad, and the eyelves are red.


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