After the Rebirth of the Rebellious Queen

Chapter 2264 has ... There is something behind me.

Pen Fu, the fastest update of the latest chapter after the queen of the heavens! The man is even more curious, and I immediately asked: "Ling Zong? What?"

The other party immediately: "It is a few months in the first few months. The number of people in the inner gate will kill a inner traitor, and the dead is quite miserable. When I heard that the soul is appearing, I'm going to catch the murderer. At that time, it was a big day, clear sky, but suddenly became dark clouds, all disciples of all spirits saw it. "

"This will not be true ... big day, then say, really have that thing?" A small face was slightly changing.

Night wind is not very afraid, he only believes in seeing it, but he knows one ...

I suddenly suddenly said, "The world, in addition to the people, the god, there is another ... meditation."


They are not heard, although they are more than their life than disappearing thousands of devils, but they are very far away, but they are mentioned at this moment, and they are still in the funeral, many people think about creepy.

Yunxiao can't help but get close to Yun Zhao, he is some fear.

Van Si suddenly remembered that he was killed in her family. At night, I saw the ghost fire in the funeral. The body couldn't help but shake, and I rushed to the arms of the Oriental Xinyi.

Everyone here is talking, and the Dragon String star is coming to rushing cold sweat, and his face begins to be white, it is more strange.

"Hey, what's wrong with you? You talk! They are lie to you, you really don't have anything behind you."

There's none?

Long Toy Lin's mouth is pulled, the forehead is a big cold sweater slipped, and the slight tremulation: "There is something behind me ... touch, touch my face ... There is no temperature ..."


Everyone has shocked, and several of the dragon's, especially those of the second pulse, they can't help but stop, they still saw the Longyin Forest will be like this.

Dragon demon listened to the mission to rush out, "Hey, you are fine? There is no thing behind you."

I saw that I was really scared, and she did the first to see her father so lost.

Is it true?

Dragon Strings are also suspected of this problem, but he still doesn't believe that there is a ghost in this world! What's more? Is it a dragon flight?

Immediately denied this idea, turned to the moon, "said, what are you doing to me?"

It is Dragon Tianhao, can't help but be horrified, and the eyes suddenly squinted, seeing Longyin Lin's look is really scared, is there really something?

Just, it is true, then 'things' will never be his son.

Mo said softly, even busy the red art, "Yer, you are happy to look at it, is it really coming back?"

The red art is also uncertain, but it is still immediately in the past, "aunt, slow, first look at the situation."

"Is it true at night?" Mo Yi couldn't help but got it.

Mojing Mountain can not sit, follow him.

Yu Chengguang's , ? ,,, ,,,,,,,

The few elders can't sit, Longhua has never believed, immediately: "Second brother, is anyone who has a mentally attack?"

"Yeah! This big day, how can I have that kind of thing, still less ... Leight ..." Long Qing finally whispered, he didn't believe it.

Dragon Eagle squinted on the body of Longyin, in fact, his knowledge has once again explored it, just ... still there is no.

"Not a mental ..."

Longhua and Longqing two people suddenly fondressed, and the same channel: "Isn't it?"


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